Redesign Project

My redesign project was making it so you could wear glasses in the rain and they would not get foggy. So we had the idea of putting windshield wipers on the glasses and you would activate them by pulling on a rope. The rope will hang from one of the lenses.


I think overall the all the planers are pretty plane. I like the idea of putting the pictures in it. I know a lot of people think it is not helpful but I think It makes the homework folder look more interesting.


1. I hate waiting for the train when you just missed one. I don’t like it because then my mom does not let me play on her phone and then I have nothing to do and the wait is longer on the weekends.

2. I hate it when there is no cabs and every cab is taken and in the time spent looking for a cab you get to be late for something.

3. I hate tourist because they do not know what they are doing.

4. I hate traffic and in New York it is really bad.