NYC of the Future Notes

NYC Design Site Visit- Materials Cycle

Group: X Site Location: X

Site Observations


  • How do people move in and out of the blocks? Do you notice traffic, bike paths, sidewalks?
  • Imagine: How could transportation be improved?
LREI block:

Cars are parked besides sidewalks and bikes are parked in bikes slots. People can come into the sidewalk by the corners. Cars cannot be parked on corners. Bus stop and train station nearby.
Our site:

This area is surrounded by construction, cars are parked near the sidewalks, no bike paths or bike placements, not much traffic, the area is not open to walkers, many construction workers, strong smells.


  • Is healthy food accessible in your block? Do people have to travel out of the block for food?
  • If there are food markets in the area, how do they get their food?
  • Interview: restaurants, cafés, people about how they get their food? Is it local or does it get shipped from farther away?
  • Imagine: Can you think of a way for food to be accessible locally?
LREI block:

Mostly healthy food. There are a few restaurants on this block and many cafes nearby.
Our site:

The food here isn’t too healthy. There also isn’t much restaurants, cafes, etc. There’s a street with places for food, but around the parking lot, there aren’t any places to get food.


  • What happens to waste in this area? (ask people and businesses what they do with their waste and what type of waste they generate)
  • Is recycling, composting, and other greener waste methods accessible?
  • Is trash in the streets a problem?
  • Imagine: How would you eliminate some of the waste produced in this area?
Our site:

I don’t see any recycling bins, only trash cans. Although there are trash cans, there aren’t many on streets but a lot in the park. Litter in parking lots and streets.


  • List a summary of the assets (valuable aspects of way materials cycle in your site that may be worth preserving or using in your designs).
Our site:

This area doesn’t really conserve paper or other materials. Useless materials are just thrown away. Construction sites use a lot of wasteful materials which lets out pollution.


  • List a summary of any liabilities (problems with the way materials cycle that should be changed).
Our site:

There should be recycling bins. More plants. Although there are plants in the park, there aren’t any on the street. People are trying to innovate this area, but regular streets have no plants or trees. No much animals.

Additional Notes
Our site:

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