Math Profile

Colette                                                                                                        9/9/16

Group A                                                                                                      Math Profile


Math has always been a more difficult class for me, even starting from kindergarten. I am a very visual learner. It always takes me a while to read the word problem and figure it out, sometimes I have to re-read the question a couple times. When I’m doing math homework and there is a really hard question, I tend to get really stressed out and frustrated.

One success I had last year was that I got a page and a third of a page of fours on a take home test! (That day Margaret gave us two sheets that both had our grades for the take home test.) Although, I did this take home test with my tutor. I think I got a four because my tutor explained the problem out very precisely to me. I broke down the math problem in steps so I did it step by step. I feel like breaking it down helped me understand the problem better and it was much easier for me to do.

A disaster that happened to me is when I am on a really hard problem and I have been working on it for a while I get really out of focus and frustrated. When I am in that moment I feel like I can’t really think right. I have hard times doing word problems because I can’t quite get the message it is trying to tell me. I also don’t know all of the times table. I am going to be studying three new times table problems every three to four days and adding two or three more so I don’t forget the ones I studied the last three to four days. In fourth grade we learned the times tables. I studied them but they couldn’t quite get in my head. I think I have a very bad memory, I cannot remember things like the times table but I will try my hardest this year.

I like learning math because I think it’s fun sometimes even though I’m not very good at it. I like learning it and I like the challenge. I think it’s also very useful for me when I am in high school and college, also, when I grow up. I also like that it is something that I am constantly trying to good at and that keeps me determined.                       

I don’t like learning math because it is sometimes too challenging for me and it gets me really frustrated and stressed. Math is really hard for me because I am a visual learner and I am still trying to figure out how to learn math quicker. I am a pretty slow learner and it takes me a while for me to learn a new strategy or a new kind of math. I probably should look over the new concept of math with someone after I learn it. I think the beginning of the year might be starting off with a hard start but I might be a bit better towards the end of the year because I know the concept better.

I consider myself a not so good math student because I don’t really excel in math and don’t get the best grades but I think a good trait that I have is that I work really hard on my math. I feel like I spend too much time on my homework. As I said before, I am a slow learner so I usually spend more than double the time on my homework than we are supposed to. I don’t always understand what the teacher is saying in class because she might be saying things that are really complicated and too much for my brain to process in little time. I am not a very good math student but I am going to try hard really hard this year and find what kind of learning fits me. I am excited for this year and what we are going to learn and I am going to try really hard to meet or go past expectations.

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