
my tesolation


This is my tesolation.  In the beginning of the third quarter  we started to learn about polygons.  I started by, doing was dragging stuff like lines and then connecting them, with correct angle  numbers and then copying them into the saved shapes toolbar.  The shapes I used for this one, are hexagon and triangle.  I ended up making stars of David and in the end, a big hexagon.

Math problems

1.I am a multiple of 15

2.My number is a factor of 1,800

3.My number is lower than 300

4.My number is higher than 25

Math Graph

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This is the picture of the improved graph

My graph ended up looking like this.  I say “ended up like this” because in the beginning it looked much different then this because in the beginning of my graph 100,000 years ago I had it at zero(One mistake) because like 30 apes turned into homo; sapiens, they did not just appear.  also I had it so that at 8,000 years before the year Zero 5.5 billion people were alive.  It actually was that 5 million people were alive instead! That tripped me up but now it is better.  But even though there are 7.8 billion people a]live right now.  There were only 5 million back then.  FWI humans were created 200,000 years ago. (just to show you how long it took them then to get as high as 5 million and how it took only about 2 thousand years to get to 7.8 billion.)

Mix And Match Graphs.

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this is what the board looked like after we organized all the graphs.

I noticed that some of these graphs have dots and some do not.  Some of the graphs start in the corner and some don’t.  Some of the graphs are accurate but do not look the same.  Some of the graphs go on a while but they shouldn’t.  Some graphs can go in 2 places at a time.

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