

  • In this video, I was a addressing multiple things: When and where you can find proportions, and an example of an everyday situation where you might come across  a proportion.
  • Here is the scenario:  There are two gas stations, for one gas station you can get six gallons of gas for $1.50.  The other gas station, you can get four gallons of gas for one dollar.                                                                                    I figured it out by putting the price of the gas over the gallons.  That would be 1.5/6 for the first one and 1/4 for the second.  They both equal .25=one quarter.  So the overall answer would be, whichever gas station is closer, would the better one.

Math Post #2

The first photo is an example of bad note taking, because I wrote almost nothing on it, which meant that I probably was not paying attention.The second photo is an example of good note taking because it is detailed and has everything that we talked about in class that was worth writing down, upon it.  photo-on-11-11-16-at-6-19-pmphoto-on-11-11-16-at-6-17-pm

Math Portfolio Post #1

The assignment for this check-up, was to say, if and why each of the shapes(triangles or rectangles) were similar. bThe way I completed it, was by looking at my notes from that day and the day before that, and then writing the answers for what I thought, down on the homework

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