
Structure Fits Function

Have you ever wondered about what makes up you nail? The structure of the nail is very simple.

If you look at your finger nail, you will see that part of the nail covers your nail bed and part of your nail that sticks out.  


The part of the nail that sticks out (the white part of your nail)  is called the free edge of the nail.  The part of the nail that is covering your nail bed is called the body of the nail.  


Some of the functions of the nail:


  • The free edge of the nail makes smaller movements more precise. For example, if you were picking up a needle, the free edge of the nail would be useful.
  • The body of the nail is helpful because it protects the sensitive finger tips.  It also allows the fingertips to be more sensitive.
  • The lunula is actually under your nail, if something/someone hurts the lunula, your nail will be deformed.

How We Eat

 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN TO THE BOTTOM ON THIS INSERTED SHEET AND CLICK BLOG POST  In science, we did a small study on what we eat for lunch in a week.  Above are the sixth grade, what we were eating like for our time in the school.  We talked about it, and then we tried to fix our eating.  Look up to see how we did.

Spaceship Earth.

My spaceship would be a very fit place for everyone.  Even people who liked totally different things.  There are salons, to arcades, to yards, to schools in the ship.  One floor,(the third) is totally empty, it is empty because that is where the driving cabin is, we do not need to show that, so I do not show it.Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 7.40.57 AM
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What I think Atoms look like and Why

I think atoms are small balls.  All the spikes are the energy inside of it.  The rings on the outside of it, are the bubble it is in.  The small dots are all of the things that drag them together.  The bumps are all the Mass. The big brown field is what tons of Atoms look like together.  A challenge was how somethings I could not find and some things could not go over each other.


I think my Atom resembles on the top resembles J.J Thomson and Chadwick’s.  The squishy looking middle resembles the J.J. Thomson “Cookie Atom.”  The outside ring resembles Chadwick’s model of Electrons whizzing around the outside.


My model on the bottom I think resembles Chadwick’s model because it has Electrons whizzing around the Nucleus.

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