
French Halloween Vocab and other really weird assignments.





  1. La lune est pâle.Unknown-4
  2. Elle elle scintille.
  3. La sorciere est mal.Unknown-1
  4. Elle est verte.
  5. Le balai est longue.
  6. Elle balai est lourd.
  7. La citrouille est orange.UnknownUnknown-5
  8. La citrouille est lourd.
  9. le chat noir est très noir.
  10. Le chat noir est pas mignon.
  11. les enfants sont effrayants.
  12. les enfants sont excités.Unknown-6
  13. Les bon bons est deux.Unknown-7
  14. Les bon bons est chocolat.
  15. Le hibou sage.Unknown-2
  16. Le hibou va huée de huée.
  17. Le fantôme est invisible.
  18. UnknownLe fantôme est effrayant.
  19. La chauve-souris est fort.Unknown-3
  20. La chauve-souris est silencieuse.




This semester I really didn’t super duper love anything because everything was so rushed and we couldn’t spend any time after school  having fun.  But my favorite so far was the conjugations.  An area of strength for me was in conjugations because I could conjugate  word I had never heard before.  A challenge for me was ER-verbs.  I made a lot of progress in conjugations and a little bit in ER-verbs.  My goal is to use google translate less and I am doing really well at it so far.  I am doing well because I am now using my french-english dictionary.

french last big project for 1st quarter

This year for halloween we learned deeper about colors, body parts and different things.  We learned the stuff on the first sentence.  It wasn’t that fun or interesting because I had so little time to do it because sharyn posted 200 pages the day before class and it was so rushed.1444136853766.6 1445951624053.5

french what we are learning

In this assignment that we did we were working on body parts descriptive words and other stuff.  I thought that it was fun that we could take a picture of ourself and then write about it.  I learned about the stuff in the first sentence.1445951532792.2

math page messy and not





I think that it is really important to be able to organize things because later in our life we might have to do something where we have to organize.

Je m’appelle  Benjamin.   J’ai 11 ans.  Je suis américain.  Je suis blond.  J’ai les cheveux bouclés.  J’ai  les mains grandes et douces.  J’ai les dents bonnes.  J’ai les grandes oreilles.  J’ai  une bonne voix.  Je suis content.  Je ne suis pas malade.

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