Family Conferences


We did a lot of things at Ashokan, one of my favorite things was blacksmithing.  In blacksmithing  we had a choice to make three things, a heart shaped trivet, A fire poker or a plant hangar.  I made a plant hangar.  It was so much fun hammering 2,800 degrees metal into awesome shapes.  I learned at Ashokan, better friendships and how to play basketball.  Last year, I really did not get that much outside time because I played a lot of D&D this time I spent more time outside.21750202553_991f9e40ee_m

French Halloween

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Composition 1

 This my composition that will be played by a mini orchestra.

Math Graph

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This is the picture of the improved graph

My graph ended up looking like this.  I say “ended up like this” because in the beginning it looked much different then this because in the beginning of my graph 100,000 years ago I had it at zero(One mistake) because like 30 apes turned into homo; sapiens, they did not just appear.  also I had it so that at 8,000 years before the year Zero 5.5 billion people were alive.  It actually was that 5 million people were alive instead! That tripped me up but now it is better.  But even though there are 7.8 billion people a]live right now.  There were only 5 million back then.  FWI humans were created 200,000 years ago. (just to show you how long it took them then to get as high as 5 million and how it took only about 2 thousand years to get to 7.8 billion.)

Social Studies Timeline.

Our group did relatively  good we got like 3 wrong but I caught our group on one so we only had two.  Our group had a good strategy.  While 4 of our five people was looking over their learning logs or talking and discussing what they thought was wrong, one person would be looking at the timeline.  Once everyone had looked through we presented to our group what we thought was wrong, then we looked through our Learning Logs, then consulted and hopefully came to the same point.

Mix And Match Graphs.

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this is what the board looked like after we organized all the graphs.

I noticed that some of these graphs have dots and some do not.  Some of the graphs start in the corner and some don’t.  Some of the graphs are accurate but do not look the same.  Some of the graphs go on a while but they shouldn’t.  Some graphs can go in 2 places at a time.

What I think Atoms look like and Why

I think atoms are small balls.  All the spikes are the energy inside of it.  The rings on the outside of it, are the bubble it is in.  The small dots are all of the things that drag them together.  The bumps are all the Mass. The big brown field is what tons of Atoms look like together.  A challenge was how somethings I could not find and some things could not go over each other.


I think my Atom resembles on the top resembles J.J Thomson and Chadwick’s.  The squishy looking middle resembles the J.J. Thomson “Cookie Atom.”  The outside ring resembles Chadwick’s model of Electrons whizzing around the outside.


My model on the bottom I think resembles Chadwick’s model because it has Electrons whizzing around the Nucleus.

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my summer

This summer was really exiting.  I went to Yellowstone with my family.  We saw bison and Old Faithful and elk.  We went to the canyon and we did 13 mile hikes a lot. But before that we went to Lake Placid and did some bobsledding and skiing.IMG_5509IMG_5405  We also got freaked out by a squirrel.

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