
French Quiche, Food Project

French Commercial Reflection

The assignment for this presentation was: Create a commercial, advertising any spot of your choice in the world.  Requirements: Has to be in French and has to make sense (NO google translate).  I chose the place where I go skiing, Snowmass.  During this project, I learned how to speak and write better in french, and also a little bit more about Snowmass.  I really liked this project, because Sharyn gave us the freedom to advertise whatever place we wanted to.

French City Project Reflection

This video was from a project about a city or region in France.  I chose Nice, since I have been there a couple of times, and it is very nice there.  From this project, I learned how to craft sentences and many other things that are useful if you want to speak French.  I learned many new and different words.  Overall it was a lot of fun.

Volleyball This was a fun and short little project that we did to show what we knew about a sport of our choice.  I chose volleyball (my favorite sport).  This project helped me learn how to make sentences better, and it helped me with understanding the sport of volleyball.

French Reflection

Some Strengths of mine are being able to memorize and remember words and expressions really well and hear if something sounds wrong.

A challenge for me, is getting my homework done and working hard.

An area of improvement for me, would be in speaking sentences and writing sentences, because it is very important to be good at that, and I am not that good at that.  I hope to master this by the next tri-mester.  Sharyn can help me with this, by working with me a little extra.

I really enjoyed making videos about the regions that we studied.  I liked it because we got to use technology and it was interesting to learn about all of these different places.

A goal for me, is to meet with Sharyn for a little bit extra after school somedays, or during IWP.

Le Jour Des Toussaints

This first trimester in french, we dove into and started to use adjectives a lot more.  We had a test on adjectives and did lots of listening and writing activities focusing on it.  We wrote about Halloween characters, ghosts, vampires, clowns, fairies and witches.  For the characters, we added clothing and accessories, which we wrote about.  We had a couple of quiz’s and listening and writing activities on it.  For all of our tests and writing/listening activities we studied on quizlet, it was helpful, but I think that it would be easier to write out actual notecards.

(Please keep scrolling down for the whole document)


The theme for this project is food and meals and words for the foods.  The process I took, was writing the sentences and then taking the pictures to add to the sentences.  A conclusion I have, was that this project emphasized food.

French Halloween Vocab and other really weird assignments.





  1. La lune est pâle.Unknown-4
  2. Elle elle scintille.
  3. La sorciere est mal.Unknown-1
  4. Elle est verte.
  5. Le balai est longue.
  6. Elle balai est lourd.
  7. La citrouille est orange.UnknownUnknown-5
  8. La citrouille est lourd.
  9. le chat noir est très noir.
  10. Le chat noir est pas mignon.
  11. les enfants sont effrayants.
  12. les enfants sont excités.Unknown-6
  13. Les bon bons est deux.Unknown-7
  14. Les bon bons est chocolat.
  15. Le hibou sage.Unknown-2
  16. Le hibou va huée de huée.
  17. Le fantôme est invisible.
  18. UnknownLe fantôme est effrayant.
  19. La chauve-souris est fort.Unknown-3
  20. La chauve-souris est silencieuse.




This semester I really didn’t super duper love anything because everything was so rushed and we couldn’t spend any time after school  having fun.  But my favorite so far was the conjugations.  An area of strength for me was in conjugations because I could conjugate  word I had never heard before.  A challenge for me was ER-verbs.  I made a lot of progress in conjugations and a little bit in ER-verbs.  My goal is to use google translate less and I am doing really well at it so far.  I am doing well because I am now using my french-english dictionary.

french last big project for 1st quarter

This year for halloween we learned deeper about colors, body parts and different things.  We learned the stuff on the first sentence.  It wasn’t that fun or interesting because I had so little time to do it because sharyn posted 200 pages the day before class and it was so rushed.1444136853766.6 1445951624053.5

french what we are learning

In this assignment that we did we were working on body parts descriptive words and other stuff.  I thought that it was fun that we could take a picture of ourself and then write about it.  I learned about the stuff in the first sentence.1445951532792.2

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