
The process of making a website

I found that when making a website it is easy once you know the basic, Maybe, 10 tags you have to put in while programing.  When you make you might think it is hard, I agree it was hard but because there are a ton of ‘techy’ people in the room, it is easier to learn.  When you learn it, you can teach too someone else…  When working on my website, I found the hardest thing was to look at someone else website and think, “wow how could anyone do that.”  well #1 it is usually Johnny or Some other tech brainy and they want to show off, or they spend 4 hours of their day working on it, or it just because you have to deal with it because you either don’t care to show off or just don’t want to make it elaborate, again to show off.   The thing that I like about my website, is that it is nice and short and it does not have thing after thing after thing after thing of puny un-important details.  I also like the colors the stuff on my website and the way I put it there.   I think it was a great idea to do this and I think that we should do it again because a lot of people liked it and it was a great learning opportunity for lots of other things.

Better Things To Come

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This is the “waten.”  The, wa, is for watch and the ten is for listen.  The case would also be priced for $10.00.  All the programing that went inside that would cost, $30.00.  What it would do is it would be able to listen to  what is going on and if some kids were fighting it would show that which one started the fight and if that it has a punishment needed.  It will help because it will show and work for anything.  (also there is a self destruct button in the middle of it so you can use it in a war and can have it explode itself and many other things as well.)

Some Of The Things I Hate About New York

Some things that I do not like about New York are, the subway.  I hate the subway because there are lots of rats, the ceiling drips, people do not let people get off first, it is so packed and that the train squeaks when it comes to a stop.  I also think that there should be air conditioning in the summer.

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What I Think The Homework Planner Cover Should Look Like And Why

I think we should make our homework planner with a spelling list on the front and a times table and a periodic table of elements and a map, and space to draw in. that would be awesome.

Why I like that planner and why it should be ours

I like planner #5 because it is very colorful and it looks like something that when we pull it out at the end of the day, we wouldn’t be like, “Oh no, the planner,”(dramatic pause)”were all going to die.”  Instead we would be like, “um, yay the planner.”( we would say “um” to the planner because what ever happens, homework is just awful.)  Also the reason I like #5 is because it has more than one thing to look at.

What my Planner Should Look Like

I think that the homework planner should be about some kind of food because maybe for me it will remind me that after I do my homework I can eat a snack.  I also think that it should be an ice cream cone because it is delicious.  Also because in each ball of ice cream could be a subject.

my summer

This summer was really exiting.  I went to Yellowstone with my family.  We saw bison and Old Faithful and elk.  We went to the canyon and we did 13 mile hikes a lot. But before that we went to Lake Placid and did some bobsledding and skiing.IMG_5509IMG_5405  We also got freaked out by a squirrel.

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