“You can sleep now,” said my mother.  We were driving down the road, a little too fast. My sister and I were in the back of the car and my mom was half asleep in the front and so was my dad who was driving.  About 2 ½ hours ago we were stuffing ourselves with the last bits of our dinner.  We had had dinner in Mammoth Hot Springs, in Yellowstone Wyoming.

About 2 ½ hours ago we were stuffing ourselves with the last bits of our dinner.  We had had dinner in Mammoth Hot Springs, in Yellowstone Wyoming.  We had edamame which was very, very, very, salty for the beginning part.  Then we had lamb shish kabobs and very lovely, juicy steak.  For dessert we had delicious huckleberry Ice cream and lots more water than we were on the road.  Now we were driving into a forest of dead, skinny, bony trees.  They looked just like skeletons as we passed right under them with branch like hands reaching at us.  It seemed perfectly still and I was about to go to close my eyes when I looked to the top of a hill and saw the deathly still moon hovering over the hill and watching us.  When right from a cloud above the moon came a big yellow lightningbolt that made an explosion of grass on the top of the hill.  The moon disappeared from view as tons of clouds suddenly came racing across the moon like cars on broadway. The silence was gone.  Many more cracks of lightning lit up the sky.  Huge explosions of thunder erased all possibilities of hearing anything but maybe the honk of a car about 10 feet away from us, which at that moment was the exact thing that we heard.  We had rounded the curve and we were now right over the Canyon of Yellowstone with one more curve.  Then we almost ran into a car who honked us and flashed us.  We thought there might be a police man right behind us, but there wasn’t. We looked in front of us to see if there was any Elk or Bison in the road, but there wasn’t.  We were approaching another curve in the road when we decided to slow down.  It was good that we did because the second we rounded the curve we were almost run over by a herd of bison, or should I say, they were almost run over by us?  Either way we were a both very scared.  We stopped and let them pass us.  You could look out the window and see the shaggy coats of the bison. Or you could look to their 250 pound heads. Since it was mating season you could even see if they had had been in a fight and see if they had pieces of their horns chipped off.  We were so stunned that we sat there in our car for about three seconds after they left and then kept driving on.  “Wait brett did you take a picture of the bison,” said my mom as we finally got over it and kept going. But then almost as suddenly as the lightning before came, we almost ran into another herd of bison.  They were much smaller than the first herd of bison.  With only about 12 or 13 walking in a small group.  By the time they passed we were so stunned we could not speak to each other for the next 20 seconds.  We drove on out of the canyon and up on a high road about 1,500 to 3,000 feet off the ground. We were coming to the bottom of a hill.  We were still talking about the bison and how it was so rare to see that.  Then another herd of bison came over the hill.  There were so many that it looked like a thick river of brown bison sweeping over the hill straight towards us.