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This is the picture of the improved graph

My graph ended up looking like this.  I say “ended up like this” because in the beginning it looked much different then this because in the beginning of my graph 100,000 years ago I had it at zero(One mistake) because like 30 apes turned into homo; sapiens, they did not just appear.  also I had it so that at 8,000 years before the year Zero 5.5 billion people were alive.  It actually was that 5 million people were alive instead! That tripped me up but now it is better.  But even though there are 7.8 billion people a]live right now.  There were only 5 million back then.  FWI humans were created 200,000 years ago. (just to show you how long it took them then to get as high as 5 million and how it took only about 2 thousand years to get to 7.8 billion.)