The idea for this project was to take a photo that we took and put it into photo shop so we can edit it and add other photos or objects to it, creating a work of art.  The picture that I took is the one of the gondola with the gondoliers in it.  I took this photo when my family and I went to Venice, we were there at the same time as the famous Gondoliering Regatta, so I snapped a couple of photos, and low and behold, they made it into my school art project.  In my project, I chose not to put in any pattern, because I wanted everything to be special and itself.  There is a bit of contrast in here, however not as much in colors, but in the objects.  some are closer and some are farther, some are darker and some are lighter.  For emphasis in this piece, I put the parts of my story that were more important, up close and the ones not so much, farther back.  There is, I feel, not a lot of balance in my piece, everything is more dark, comes towards you and it seems plain.  However, even though at first glance there doesn’t seem to be a ton of balance, after looking at it for longer, you can see that it actually does balance out nicely, and seems to go together very well.  For me, proportion and scale meant a lot, the things that were more important were closer, and the things that were not as important, were farther.



The story being told here, is:  a big war lord(the ship) is attacking a city (the city), the gondola, is a boat load of people escaping into the deep beautiful darkness of space.