For this assignment, I was asked to write a five paragraph essay comparing three different time periods using one theme.  The time periods were things that we had learned about.  The Crucible was the first, McCarthyism was the second and modern day was the third.  I decided to write an extra paragraph about another book, Animal Farm.  The theme that I was writing about is scapegoating.  I picked this  because it happened and still happens a lot (and it would be an interesting topic to research).  From this essay I learned how to notice and see scapegoating in everyday life.

This Essay was one of the harder things that I wrote this year.  I spent about two weeks on it, editing and writing and making  sure it was good.  I know that all my hard work and focusing paid off.  I got very good grades on this essay and am proud of it.  However, two things that I could have improved on is the tense and how it sounds when the sentences are formed and commas (when, where and how to use them).  It was a lot of fun being able to research all of these different articles and twitter feeds and speeches for my modern era paragraph.  I also had lots of fun connecting Animal Farm to my essay for an extra credit paragraph.  Overall, I think that I did very well.

We spent one full day on peer editing.  My peer editor was Sam.  He helped me craft and edit my essay, so it made sense and sounded good.  However, my teacher, Suzanne Cohen, was my biggest helper throughout the essay.  When I was stuck or had trouble, I asked her for help, and she was always there for me.  Without her, my essay would not have been what it is.  Thank you Suzanne and Sam (and Ben) for my best essay yet.