Month: November 2016

Science Post #2

This is my science journal.  A science journal is where we do a lot of our science assignments.  I think that this is a good example of thoughtful and careful work.

Science Post #1

This is my personal muir web.  A muir web is a web of different things that all connect to each other.  This muir web, maps out the all of the biotic(living) and abiotic(nonliving) factors of a meal that I had.  I think that this is a good example of my work, because I put a lot of parts and time into it.screenshot-2016-11-08-at-9-18-46-am

Math Post #2

The first photo is an example of bad note taking, because I wrote almost nothing on it, which meant that I probably was not paying attention.The second photo is an example of good note taking because it is detailed and has everything that we talked about in class that was worth writing down, upon it.  photo-on-11-11-16-at-6-19-pmphoto-on-11-11-16-at-6-17-pm

Giver Essay Post

This is my Giver Essay.  It is a paper that we write, to show our point of view and how much we know about The Giver.  I am proud of this piece of work, because it shows that my knowledge and point of view, for The Giver.

M13C Post

This is an example of one of my M13C homework.  I am proud of this, because I did really well on this and showed that I payed attention to the reading.  From this homework, I learned all about Powhatans.

Humanities Blog Post #1

This is one of my best note cards.  I am proud of this note card, because I did this really well and got a high grade.  This note card will eventually help me write my paper, and I hope that the grade on my paper is similar to this grade.

Math Portfolio Post #1

The assignment for this check-up, was to say, if and why each of the shapes(triangles or rectangles) were similar. bThe way I completed it, was by looking at my notes from that day and the day before that, and then writing the answers for what I thought, down on the homework

Le Jour Des Toussaints

This first trimester in french, we dove into and started to use adjectives a lot more.  We had a test on adjectives and did lots of listening and writing activities focusing on it.  We wrote about Halloween characters, ghosts, vampires, clowns, fairies and witches.  For the characters, we added clothing and accessories, which we wrote about.  We had a couple of quiz’s and listening and writing activities on it.  For all of our tests and writing/listening activities we studied on quizlet, it was helpful, but I think that it would be easier to write out actual notecards.

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