Month: June 2016

Poem #2


In the dark of night

I come out

I prey on fear.

While people scout

And tune their ears

So they might hear

My battle cry



My inspiration came out of how my sister went into a recent addiction to cats.  I do not think it is a certain kind of poem.  There is a little bit of rhyme in here.  I love how this poem turned out so much that I am reading it for the poetry breakfast.  I am proud of it because… I don know why- I just like it.

Poem Post #1


There once was a fellow named bob

And he really was quite a slob

His wife once said,

“My god you’ll be dead,

If you don’t eat your corn on the cob!”


My inspiration behind this is Elijah, who made an almost identical piece.  It is a limerick poem.  This poem has line breaks, rythym, beat and rhyme.  I like how my poem turned out.  I am proud of it because it is catchy.

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