Bright pink cherry trees

New born animals walk by

Beautiful days pass


This is one of my haiku’s. A haiku is a 5, 7, 5 syllable poem.  You can count the syllables in the poem, by feeling how many times your chin moves for each word.  When writing haiku’s you need to have comparison, contrast and word play/puns.  A Japanese haiku has a part called a kigo, the kigo, is a word or line that refers to a season.  See if you can guess what the season of mine is?  (right the answer in the comment section.)  When you are making a haiku, you first have to come up with a topic, and then find the specific amount of words and syllables.  I feel that the process for me was tricky, because this was my first ever haiku.  I feel that one of my strengths is being able to come up with ideas.  But I feel that a challenge I have, is being able to confine my words and phrases to the specific syllable count.