Month: October 2015

french last big project for 1st quarter

This year for halloween we learned deeper about colors, body parts and different things.  We learned the stuff on the first sentence.  It wasn’t that fun or interesting because I had so little time to do it because sharyn posted 200 pages the day before class and it was so rushed.1444136853766.6 1445951624053.5

french what we are learning

In this assignment that we did we were working on body parts descriptive words and other stuff.  I thought that it was fun that we could take a picture of ourself and then write about it.  I learned about the stuff in the first sentence.1445951532792.2

math page messy and not





I think that it is really important to be able to organize things because later in our life we might have to do something where we have to organize.


We did a lot of things at Ashokan, one of my favorite things was blacksmithing.  In blacksmithing  we had a choice to make three things, a heart shaped trivet, A fire poker or a plant hangar.  I made a plant hangar.  It was so much fun hammering 2,800 degrees metal into awesome shapes.  I learned at Ashokan, better friendships and how to play basketball.  Last year, I really did not get that much outside time because I played a lot of D&D this time I spent more time outside.21750202553_991f9e40ee_m

Je m’appelle  Benjamin.   J’ai 11 ans.  Je suis américain.  Je suis blond.  J’ai les cheveux bouclés.  J’ai  les mains grandes et douces.  J’ai les dents bonnes.  J’ai les grandes oreilles.  J’ai  une bonne voix.  Je suis content.  Je ne suis pas malade.

Humanities check in portfolio #1

In this activity we were broken up into pairs and we had to look at this homework assignment to understand what to do:


Our #1 Goal: Using evidence in the form of quotes, we will create detailed drawings of characters and settings to better help the whole class understand the book.


Must haves:

  • A list of both internal and external characteristics:
    • Internal= personality qualities (brave, timid, deceitful, etc.)
    • External= physical qualities (tall, brown hair, crooked teeth, etc.)
  • At least two quotes from the text that directly related to your drawings (remember to cite your source!)
  • Color
  • Detail
  • Evidence of effort
  • Evidence of being an excellent collaborator
  • Have fun!


DO NOT GOOGLE! You are forbidden to Google any images of these characters or settings. Remember: Anyone who has ever drawn anything from this book used the text and their imagination. This is your job too. Maybe, since you’re such good readers, you’ll even do a better job than some random person on the internet!



I am really proud of this piece more than a lot of others of mine, because I think in this project me and my group had a lot of fun and laughed a lot, unlike any other projects but we got everything down by the time it was due.

The thing that I found challenging about this project, was that we were not allowed to get anything wrong on the poster because we were getting all of the info out of the book.

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