“Even when you are separated from someone else, you can keep them in your heart.”  The quote means that if Parvana is away from father she can always remember him and pretend he is right next to her.  She can remember him by reading his books or by looking at his clothes or by being in the market.  An example of this is when Parvana and mother go to the jail, where father is, the go there to “rescue” him.  When they get to the jail, they yell for father and they get beaten.  Also, Parvana calls out, which she did not think to do.   When she yells at the Talib to stop hitting her, he stops hitting her.  I think that what powered Parvana on to do this (to yell out) is that she had the sudden feeling that a wave of sadness from other families that had their fathers killed or taken to jail was overcoming her.  I think he stops because he has empathy for her and he understands what is happening for her and he is feeling for her.   Another example is when Parvana saw the Taliban cry when she read the Talib the note, in the market, in Kabul.  So she might not realize it but the Talib, whipping her could have had a bad experience before like that; but his family probably was not allowed to be let go so, he joined the Taliban and saw people suffer; therefore sharing feelings with them.  The quotes that back up my evidence, “Let my father go,” and, “Stop whipping me and I will leave!”  I think this shows that she cares a lot about the other people, and the Taliban are not self minded bratts