How shoes should be

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That says “Shoes should have mini jet boosters so that when you’re tired, you can use them to glide to your destination.” You use it to get to places faster than normal. Its mostly for getting around flat places but there’s a switch that you can use to change the power, so you could fly! Just they don’t have much fuel.

Four things I hate about NYC

One of the four things I hate is the usual foul smell when your going past something bad.

The second thing is all the tourists when your going somewhere popular, taking pictures and stopping right in front of you to look to see where they’re going, and asking for directions.

The third is that you can’t see anything like stars at night, this year I’ve seen 1 star here.

The final fourth is the advertising everywhere you go. In the subway, on the street, ANYWHERE!

Halloween in French!

La citrouille est ennuyeuse.

La lune est calme

les costumes sont bêtes.

Le sac est moche.

Le fantome est agressif.

Les bonbons sont agreable.

Les dents sont aimbles.

Le chat noir est paresseux.

Le balai est retro.

La boum est animée.

Planner opinions

I want some pictures so it won’t just be bland, but also enough room for ALL subjects.  I want big boxes, like our current ones so we can write on them.  I think a cover that has nothing on it so you can draw on it would be good. Another option for cover OR planner is switching every week.




chronological order

photoMy group and I were not confused about the start of the project, but then we had trouble deciding which was first in chronological order. One thing we struggled with was when we got to the Cambrian explosion to the Permian extinction. When we had the limestone card, we thought it would either be after the cambrian explosion or before. The most confusing era was the humans, we had trouble deciding where their paths were, when the ice age happened, and hardest of all, were the evolutions, like apes to hominids, hominids to humans. I learned the paths of the humans. We solved our problems by talking about which would make more sense. For example the dinosaurs wouldn’t have come before the Cambrian explosion because the animals were still in the water.

Atom picture

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 10.05.47 PMI think an atom looks like this because the red is the energy flowing inside of it. All the red balls are “energy holding sacks”. The ring around it indicates the path of the hydrogen.

Graph homework

ADH5-graphsAll of the graphs have different paths. Some graphs start from the bottom, some from the middle. Some graphs have strait lines others have curved. Some graphs go up, forward, then diagonal. One graph  goes up and slightly to the side while others are in the middle of the page.

Planner idea

My idea is that you are in a supermarket (Chelsea market for example). Each store is a different subject, click on the doors to go to that store.

