Category: Science

New York City Problems

In science class, we had to think about something we would like to improve about NYC. Hudson and I chose that we wanted to improve the subway. We decided that we wanted to figure out a way to stop littering in the subway tracks which causes fires and delays. Our idea was to build a wall with a sensor on the subway platform instead of just being able to walk onto the tracks.

This is our video.

Structure Fits Function

Of course, the heart is an important organ, but it’s a lot more complicated than “it pumps blood”. The heart has many system inside it, including


Structure Function
Right+left Ventricle The place in the heart that is in charge of pumping oxygen-drained blood to the lungs. The right+ left  ventricles are two of the four sections in the heart. The Atria are the other two.
The Pericardium A fibrous covering that holds the heart in place. It has a fluid that “lubricates” the heart in the pericardial space to prevent friction. It has two layers, one of which is visceral layer, which covers the heart. The other forms a sac which has a fluid in the pericardial cavity.
Right+Left Atrium The atria are chambers that receive blood from the veins.

The ventricles are chambers that pump blood out of the heart.

The Myocardium The myocardium of is a muscle heart wall and constantly needs oxygen because it is hard working so there is an extensive network of veins to supply oxygen and nutrients so it can function properly. It’s other purpose it to dispose of waste.
Valves Pumps need valves to keep the liquid going in one direction, and the heart isn’t an exception. The heart has two kinds of valves that keep the blood going in the right direction. The valves between the atria and ventricles are atrioventricular valves (also called cuspid valves), while the ones at the bases of the large vessels leaving the ventricles are semilunar valves.


What’s for lunch?

In science, we had a project where we had to estimate what our diet for lunch was, then we compared them to the recommended diet. We made graphs of our diet, our split’s diet before we knew it, and after we knew.

image (2)
Recommended meal
Our diet before we graphed it.
image (1)
After we knew
image (3)
My diet

Science Class

In science class, we studied how plant’s get their food and what they’re made of,  a website we often refer to is brainpop, because it has subjects such as photosynthesis and plant production.


IMG_20150414_085423677This says that everything affects everything. If the predator (the red) dies, the medium tier (the blue), which contains animals like deer and birds, will overpopulate. That will make the plants die, thus the medium tier will die too.

Food Fight

Screenshot 2015-02-25 at 9.22.39 AMThe hippo is my favorite animal in Food Fight because he can eat all plants that are short (and fruits), and he only has one predator, the crocodile, and that usually dies. My strategy is to start with one fruit, that spawn a hippo. Then I like to spawn more plants that he can eat. I then just try to survive and kill the predator.

Atom picture

Screen Shot 2014-10-09 at 10.05.47 PMI think an atom looks like this because the red is the energy flowing inside of it. All the red balls are “energy holding sacks”. The ring around it indicates the path of the hydrogen.