Hero Essay

Heroes have certain qualities that most people don’t have combined such as selflessness, hope and determination. Heroes need to be hopeful when times are bad, selfless when someone is in need, and determined to achieve their goals. Ulysses did everything he could to get him and his men home, using the same qualities as Malala, they were both determined, hopeful and selfless. Ulysses and Malala are both heroes because both of them stand up for themselves and don’t give up. Ulysses was fighting alongside his men while Malala was being hunted down for writing books.


Ulysses should be remembered as a hero. He was so determined to get his men home, and recover from whatever they messed up. “I shall go ashore myself-alone-to see what there is to see and make sure there are no terrible hosts, giants, man-eating ogres, or secret sorceries. If I am not back by nightfall, Eurylochus will act as captain. Then he will decide whether to seek for and water here or to sail onward. Farewell.” Page 48.  He killed many terrors of the sea, such as the cyclops, used his skills to protect his men from their mistakes, and did whatever he could do to reclaim his throne. Ulysses should be written down in history, as king of Ithaca, champion of the Trojan war and for overpowering everything Poseidon threw at him.


Malala is a hero because she stood up against an army just so she could write books.  She was being hunted by the Taliban because she wasn’t supposed to write books. They were threatening to kill her.  She demonstrates selflessness by continuing to write books for people, she was determined to keep running and writing, and she was hopeful that the Taliban wouldn’t find her.  The Taliban did almost everything to make her stop, including shooting her in the head, hunting her down, and keeping her in hiding. Malala inspired many people to stand up for themselves and others, the world would be different without her spirit and her stories.

We need more heroes in our polluted, selfish world. Heroes are the people who are saving it. In groups like the Taliban and other corrupt organizations, people need to take a stand, like Malala did. If we don’t take a stand, what will this world be like? If the world had no heroes to stop us and fix our mistakes, the world would be a different place. It might be a radiated world where everyone lived in a vault. It might be poor, and greedy, it would be like a different planet.  The world has changed because of heroes.

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