Category: Acosta

Science For Change

For our Science For Change project we discovered that landfills are filled with 31% of paper. What our group realized is that paper is a very versatile material and that we can do many things with it. We then thought that if we found a way to make paper a sturdier material then we could do more things with it. So we tested different shapes of paper the shapes were, honeycomb triangle, and circle. We realized after tests that the circle shape is the sturdiest. So to further test this we decided to make a paper stool to test this and the result: it could support a human. Something we learned is that paper is a very versitale material.


Science for change

I think this project is interesting because we are actually taking action in a cause that we care about. I think our group is making good process with our research. I think sometimes our group gets off focus but then one of us brings it back together. I think our group is going really well.