Category: Grade

Science For Change

For our Science For Change project we discovered that landfills are filled with 31% of paper. What our group realized is that paper is a very versatile material and that we can do many things with it. We then thought that if we found a way to make paper a sturdier material then we could do more things with it. So we tested different shapes of paper the shapes were, honeycomb triangle, and circle. We realized after tests that the circle shape is the sturdiest. So to further test this we decided to make a paper stool to test this and the result: it could support a human. Something we learned is that paper is a very versitale material.


Science for change

I think this project is interesting because we are actually taking action in a cause that we care about. I think our group is making good process with our research. I think sometimes our group gets off focus but then one of us brings it back together. I think our group is going really well.

Should Indian Mascots be Banned?

Jack Anderson October 28, 2016

Eighth grade Humanities

              The great Debate, should Indian mascots be banned?

Are Native American Mascots offensive to Native Americans? The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-time Indian is about a boy named Arnold and his journey For freedom and independence from the reservation. Arnold faces many obstacles like alcohol, death, and friendship. The school that Arnold goes to when he gets off the reservation is called Reardon. Reardon is an all white school with a Native American mascot. Other sports teams in real life also have Native American mascots which are very offensive. There should not be Indian mascots because the mascots are stereotypical, the clothing is very excessive, and the names can be very racist.

One reason Native American mascots should be banned is because they are being stereotypical. An example of a Native American mascot that is not treated right is the FSU mascot, Osceola who is one of FSUs two mascots. Osceola does this tradition where he sticks this flaming rod in the ground, then everybody starts cheering and they do this motion with their arm which is moving their for arm up and down. This proves that they are made fun of and not treated with the respect they deserve. Another reason why they should be banned is because of their clothing.

Another reason why Native American mascots are offensive is there clothing can be very excessive. The mascot of FSU has an arrow painted on his face. I imagine that they have this because Native Americans used arrows to hunt animals. This person also is wearing a bandana around their head because they thought that is what they look like. One quote tha shows how offensive is “wearing leathers, and chanting”. This image is very stereotypical. This shows that the clothing and face paint is offensive and excessive

The clothing is not the thing that is offensive it is also the names that they use.

The opposing view is that Indian Mascots are created with respect, their attire can be offensive.  Even though there are people who feel this way, they are mistaken because Mascots are not created with respect. Osceola and Renegade are Florida State’s Mascot and those names are actual names of Native American’s. Osceola is the Native American and Renegade is the horse. People do not respect them and don’t realize how important they both were. So this proves that the names are racist. This shows that NA mascots are offensive.

Native American  Mascots are not respected, their attire can be wrong, and they can have nicknames. Their are many different sports teams in the world that have racial names for other sports teams too, not just native Americans. Many people do not realize how offensive it is. That’s why we should let bring awareness to the issue.

911 Boat Lift Statement

9/11 boat lift

I chose to make a memorial about the 9/11 boatlift because I feel that the people who helped with that aspect did not get enough to recognition. This was also the biggest evacuation by boat ever. You would not move through the monument but around because it us in the middle of the Hudson River. It is placed there because that is where the event happened. I would expect the viewers to have a very patriotic response because this is when New York came together

Jack Anderson

Sure You Can Ask me a Personally Question

Sure You Can Ask Me A Personal Question

Jack Anderson

Yes, I am white

And I play basketball

No, I do not like baseball

And no, I do not have a big family

I do not have a dad

Yes, my mom is a single mom

I do not live in a mansion

I do not have trillions of dollars

I love New York; this city’s my home

From the crazy people on the corner to the nice old ladies

I live in a small apartment

It may be small, but the playground is great

It’s like a little village

From old people to young people

When it’s warm out I’ll go out there just to clear my mind

Yes, I have a country house

It is not in the Hamptons

Yes, I have a boat, but it’s not huge

Yes, I waterski

I have two pets

A cat and a hamster

They do not get along

Predator and prey

Camp is another home

But no, I am not a camper

I am a CIT — a Counselor In Training

Yes, I love it

I have lots of friends

I like sports

I am fit

I love life, even when it gets me down

Inspired by Diane Burns’ poem Sure You Can Ask Me A Personal Question

Singles Ad

Classic: The Illustrated Man

Genre: Science Fiction

Author: Ray Bradbury

Profile Manager: Jack Anderson


Are you the kind of person that likes a man with tattoos? If you are, then you’re in luck! If you go out with me, each date we’ll do something new. On an ideal date we will go to far, far, far, away places like Mars. When when we go to the movies we will most likely see sci-fi. At the end of each date you might be confused or have questions, but those are the sacrifices you must make for me. My partner must love quick and dangerous situations such as being attacked by various species, and you must be ready to react to anything. My date also not be easily grossed out by weird things might happen to my body. They also must be a very adventurous eater because of the places we’ll go and the people we will see. Just a couple facts: my favorite hobbies are traveling and meeting new people and specimens. Then On my days off, when I’m not exploring, I think about which intriguing place to go next.

this is the book i read
this is the book i read