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Classic: The Illustrated Man
Genre: Science Fiction
Author: Ray Bradbury
Profile Manager: Jack Anderson
Are you the kind of person that likes a man with tattoos? If you are, then you’re in luck! If you go out with me, each date we’ll do something new. On an ideal date we will go to far, far, far, away places like Mars. When when we go to the movies we will most likely see sci-fi. At the end of each date you might be confused or have questions, but those are the sacrifices you must make for me. My partner must love quick and dangerous situations such as being attacked by various species, and you must be ready to react to anything. My date also not be easily grossed out by weird things might happen to my body. They also must be a very adventurous eater because of the places we’ll go and the people we will see. Just a couple facts: my favorite hobbies are traveling and meeting new people and specimens. Then On my days off, when I’m not exploring, I think about which intriguing place to go next.