My name is Samuel Beacher. This project is an actualization of the work I’ve been doing over the past two years. Over the past few years, I’ve explored numerous creative media, but a few really stuck with me and are ones that I’m working on to this day. These are writing my e-mail newsletter and playing the guitar, both of which I will continue through Senior Project. Similarly, I highly value trying new things and plan on taking opportunities (including seminars) to explore additional creative outlets including sewing and film photography. The second part of my project is an internship with NYRP, a non-profit. For the past two summers, I’ve worked full-time doing park maintenance. Not only is this an opportunity to get more work experience, but also to run a community service event for ten people.
The first aspect of my project continues on the path I began two years ago with a job at NYCDEP and continued last summer until today, where I shall be working with the non-profit, NYRP. Environmental science is one of my possible majors in college, and getting more work experience is extremely useful. While at NYRP last year, I learned a large number of skills that not only help me as a member of society but also to enter the job market with a leg up upon people without such experience. Additionally, leading community service will help me gain leadership experience.
For the second part of my project, I will focus on performing guitar, as well as singing, in public places. My interest in the guitar sprouted out of my original instrument, the piano. I took lessons for 11 years, playing mostly classical. I became tired of playing music I didn’t like listening to, and leaned toward my own musical interest, rock music. This led me to pick up the guitar right around the Covid-19 pandemic when I had a lot of extra time. Additionally, my interest in performance has come out of my competition history in martial arts, which I’ve been doing for 13 years. I had always hated competing, however, I know that it can be extremely beneficial for improving a skill. In other words, the performance aspect will give me a great accountability interest.
The second objective fulfilled by performing is to expand my comfort zone; “seek discomfort.” I would like to become better at performing with less stress, and I believe the best way to do so is through more performance. I can also progressively increase the amount of content I perform. I can begin with little to no singing, and just guitar, and progress to a 45-minute set. I plan to ask other musically-inclined individuals if they want to work with me. This can include performing with me or just exposing me to new music I’d like to perform. Finally, I plan on learning at least one new creative skill through seminars. I have signed up for the sewing and garment construction as I recently dabbled in hand sewing, and found it extremely interesting. I’m excited to learn to use a sewing machine and explore the opportunities. I plan on additionally taking drama and songwriting seminars.