Jade’s Pop Up Shop

My name is Jade Walk and I’m currently a senior in high school about to begin my senior project. For my senior project, my goal is to create my own collection of clothing to showcase to my community.

When I was about 7 years old, I started taking sewing classes at this sewing school called Jems. At Jems, we first learned how to hand sew and then had the opportunity to create anything our 7-year old brains could imagine. I remember beginning by hand sewing pencil cases, mini purses, and throw pillows for my American Girl doll’s bed. About a year later I finally was able to use the Jems sewing machine, and  I was able to create dresses made out of iridescent fabric that barely stretched and skirts I would dress my sister in. I spent the most time in the fabric room where I got to look at and pick from different colored and textured fabrics. I was so fascinated that you could create anything from a just sheet of fabric and a sewing machine. Attending Jems multiple times a week for about 4 years was an experience where I really felt I could express myself. Unfortunately, in 7th grade Jemsclosed and I had to end a passion and hobby of mine.

In my junior year of high school I felt as if I needed to make more time for my hobbies, but as I thought about my hobbies I honestly had a hard time because I realized I spent my days doing homework, studying for my act, or simply hanging out with friends. I decided I wanted to get back into sewing. So, I began coming up with an honors project idea. I was inspired by peers who used tote bags to carry books and supplies. You could see every brand, color, and style by simply walking through the halls. I noticed that many of the bags were made of canvas, which inspired me to think about different types of fabrics or materials I could use to create my own bags. I made my first tote bag from salvaged denim and a gingham tablecloth from the thrift store. I chose a red thread and designed a reversible pattern. I hand sewed the entire bag which took multiple days but was worth it because the first day I brought it to school, I received many compliments from my classmates and teachers. I continued to hand sew bags but noticed that it took an extremely long time to complete each bag. So over the summer, I was able to get my first very own sewing machine. I then went to fabric and vintage stores to search for possible fabrics I could use to create tote bags. I wore one of the bags to school that I was able to make at the end of the summer, and multiple younger students have asked me to make them one, teachers have said “when can I get one”, and my friends want a bag before we separate for college. I’ve always responded, “when I’m done with the college process.” I’ve needed to dedicate my free time to writing college supplements and getting my work done, which means I had to pause on creating new projects. In the meantime, I’ve spent most of my sewing time altering vintage pants, straps on tank tops, and even sleeves! Now that the college admissions process is over, this is the perfect opportunity to expand my knowledge and skill, work on creating new things for myself and the peers around me, and pursue this interest that I’ve had since I was 8 years old.

In order for my senior project to run smoothly, I need to be productive which requires motivation. Due to the fact that this is something I’ve wanted to do for so long, I feel like the time has finally come where I can dedicate my days to doing something I love and have passion for. Each day, I will dedicate a few hours to sewing in order to make progress. I will do this work from home with my sewing machine. I will begin with making blanks (using white cotton) to create 1 of each item I intend to make multiple pieces of. I’m currently hoping to work on a tank top, dress, t-shirt, and maybe a few accessories. As I’m not sure how long each piece will take me, I’m unable to predict the amount of things I will complete. I will document my project in a journal/notebook so that I can keep track of measurements and progress. I want to be able to show this documentation of my work through this journal during my senior project presentation as well.  Throughout this process, I will come to school every week to attend the sewing seminar with Grace. I will use this time to learn new techniques, expand my skills, and ask any questions I have. I hope to learn how to do more complex things throughout completing this project. Once I complete the blanks for each piece I want to collect vintage and sustainable fabrics and incorporate them into my pieces. This will allow me to make more unique items and have fun with the different types of fabrics I collect. Towards the end of the project. I hope to have made a collection of clothing and accessories that I can show to my peers, family, and faculty. I will create a “popup shop” in one of the classrooms to showcase my work! Fashion has always been a passion of mine and I will use this opportunity to create my own take on designing and creating. I’m excited to finally be able to complete and work on something that I’ve always wanted to do!


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