Internship with the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy

I’m Finn and for my project I will be doing an internship at the Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy and creating a short film about my experiences. What led me to this internship was back in 10th grade I signed up for a volunteer program at the park and I loved helping out around the park and actively doing work that I knew physically benefited my community and my environment. This led me to apply to the apprenticeship program there which was essentially training for the actual internship. Because I went through these two programs at the park I was given the opportunity to work the actual internship for Senior Project.

The internship itself is about 16-18 hours a week over two days. One day every week I will help to lead a group of volunteers who are in 9th and 10th grade. We will be doing service acts and helping around the park. We will be doing things like weeding tree beds, pulling up oyster cages and monitoring them, testing the water quality and PH levels, monitoring local fish species, and cleaning up trash around the park. Overall the work we do is all to help out the park in general and help the Conservancy keep the park clean and healthy. On the second day every week I will be working a shift at the Environmental Education Center at the north end of Brooklyn Bridge Park. During my shifts I will be teaching little kids around four to ten years old that come to the Environmental Education Center with their parents about environmental conservation and helping them do fun activities around the Ed Center. Each month there will be a different environmental theme in the Education Center like trees or bugs or water and there are a bunch of educational and fun activities that match the theme in order to teach the little kids in an engaging way.

Throughout my time at my internship I will be filming various aspects of my experience whether that be my commute from my house to the park, the activities that we are doing, the nature and landscapes around me in the park, or anything else that I find interesting. I plan to spend the rest of my senior project hours each week reviewing all of this footage and editing it. By the end of my project I will have a short film summarizing my project. I am very excited to start my project!

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