Exploring Crotchet

 My name is Sara Bhatty. Many members of my family are doctors. Ever since I was little I wanted to grow up like them and help others. I want to help contribute to making the medical environment a safe and considerate space where patients are all taken care of equally. But along with this, I have recently developed a passion for crocheting after a gift of a crocheting needle I received. I taught myself how to crochet. I started making small designs such as gloves and a bag. I realized that there are so many possibilities with crochet and started thinking about what else I could do with it. 


Over the summer I volunteered at a nursing home/rehab. I loved working and helping them and want to continue to do so. I want to expand the places I am going to go for this project. I want to communicate with various senior homes and see when and how I can schedule activities while also seeing other ways I can help them. 


Although It is only recently I have started to learn crochet, and only last summer and trimester in which I have worked with senior home residents, in this project, I want to combine these interests. Working with the residents from my previous experience at working at a senior home has made me want to help them and spend time with them even more. They have limited activities in these homes and I would like to give them the opportunity to have a new and creative way to spend time. I have started to delve further and further into crochet and the countless possibilities that come from it. One of my first steps will be to learn more patterns and stitches. My goal is to not only learn more crochet patterns and donate my creations, but to also create a space where others can learn to do so as well. I want to give those who live in senior homes the chance to learn crochet and have a fun space where they can learn something new, or a chance to show off their skills and teach me. This project will extend to multiple senior homes, and other areas where I can donate things such as hats/gloves/etc. to.  I am going to work with various organizations and their leaders to see how I can donate some of the work created altogether. I would also like to create a website for my own work to give people the opportunity to buy them. Overall, I want people to experience a new hobby while giving help to those who need it. This project will also give me the opportunity to lead something and improve my leadership skills. Over the course of my senior project I would also be taking the ceramics seminar with Shauna.  

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