Senior project is halfway done and I feel pretty happy with what I have done so far. I have to admit that the third week, due to a slew of[…]
Author: Ben C.
Blog Post 1: Ben Connolly
In the first week of the project, I got off to a slow start. I was nervous that I wouldn’t be able to actually get any work done. I began[…]
Annotated Bibliography
Milburn, Kevin. Futurism and Musical Meaning in Synthesized Landscapes. The Department of Communication Studies, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, 2013. Kevin Milburn, a senior lecturer in human geography at London South[…]
Scoring “The Song for Rain”
For my senior project I will be scoring the short film The Song For Rain (2012) by Yawen Zheng, with sound selection inspired by musicians Mort Garson, Pierre Dutour, and[…]