Two texts that I have used to examine our essential question regarding what determines if a site is preserved are Seeking New York by Tom Miller and Working by Robert[…]
Olivia Barrera-CR 3
So far I have something that has been hard for me so balancing answering my essential question through my own experiences as well as through general research. Each week when[…]
Jack Trowbridge – Critical Reflection #5 (Week 4)
Current Essential Question: How can I use my knowledge of American civics/politics/law to inspire others to be more informed voters? On Monday, I spoke to a class of 10th Grade[…]
Mika’s Critical Reflection #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I have discovered that my dancing takes a longer time to choreograph than I had previously believed. I like to work[…]
Critical Reflection #6
My original essential question was “What is it like to work in private paid EMS?” and that seemed like a good question at the time. However, as I had somewhat[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 5 Journal
5/10/21 – I’m getting super excited for all of the live events that are coming up in the next two weeks. I have the first one on Friday, and it’s[…]
Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I have discovered that my direction changed a lot and I found out the project as I went. The things[…]
Critical Reflection #4 How Dickies’ Workwear Went From Old Reliable to High Fashion Dickies themselves are using pieces from their past and recreating them in the present. They are using their[…]
Lulu Fleming-Benite — Critical Reflection 5
Critical Reflection 5 Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I[…]
Isabella Marcellino – Week 5 Documentation #1
Here is my fifth homework assignment for my Design Communication I course. The project involves two steps: studying the first perspective through a line drawing, and drafting a living room[…]
Solomon Karpati Critical Reflection: #5
Metacognition: I have found that while painting it’s really difficult for me to stick with what I originally wanted to change or concey. I also find that I tend to[…]
Critical Reflection #3 (April 26th- May 2)
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different[…]
Critical Reflection #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I have discovered that my senior project schedule is much more difficult to work out than I anticipated. When I was[…]
Zander Lu-Critical Reflection #4
“If such virtue and experience are worth cultivating, then the cultures have to be worth fostering, not as contingent instruments, but for themselves.” -Charles Taylor My essential question is: What[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. For the past weeks, I[…]
Critical Reflection 5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Throughout my experience during senior project,[…]
Charlie Thackway Critical Reflection #5
So far in my project, I have discovered a few things about my work habits that are different from those in school. Because I am far more interested in this[…]
Caroline M – documentation
This week I also visited the corner of Lexington Avenue and 52nd st. which holds the most famous and special subway grate in New York. This subway grate was the[…]
Caroline M – documentation
This week I visited the “Memories of 23rd St.” at the 23rd and 3rd street subway station, where there lies the work of Keith Godard. The hats are those of[…]
Luc Dunlop – CR 5
My podcast creation process is as follows: I organize the interviews, write the questions, record the interview, and finally, edit the material. This process is more challenging, but also, more[…]
Critical Analysis #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question I have been working with Oliver scholars[…]
Luc Dunlop – CR 4
I further investigated my topic by listening to Adrian Wojnarowski’s podcast, “Woj Pod,” and by watching the documentary, “The City Hoops.” I choose these two sources because they both highlight[…]
CR #5
I have discovered that it is very helpful for me to have a routine and a schedule. it is also quite helpful for me to make a commitment to an[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Something I will be taking away[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Cole Dorsey
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. It is extremely difficult for me[…]
Cosima Dovan – CR#5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I suppose this comes as no[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #5
Right now I am realizing that the interview process has taught me the most so far. Doing the research before I do interviews to get a better understanding of my[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Annabelle Hatsav
While baking I discovered that I steer off of the path a little when it comes to following the recipes I use. I try really hard to follow every step[…]
Cate Woolsey – 2 Week 4 Reflections
Unlike the past few weeks, this week I spent most of my time painting. I am currently working on 3 paintings (1 oil, and 2 acrylics) and am coming up[…]
Isabella Marcellino – Week 4 Documentation #1
Here is my fourth homework assignment for my Design Communication I course. The assignment was to draft a “maquette” of our own bathrooms at a 1′-0″ = 1/2″ scale. This[…]
CR #5 Elias Kassel-Venetis
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. When I started my senior project,[…]
Critical Reflection #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I noticed that when it came to studying the music, I worked a lot faster with the less lyrical music on[…]
Natalie Peña – Critical Reflection #5
Something I discovered about my process is that my writing is very static. Instead of sitting down and being able to write a review all in one go, I find[…]
Lindsay O’Brien – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. What I have discovered about[…]
Week 5 experience 2
I responded to a reported unconscious person at 110th St. and Lenox ave. Upon our arrival, a fire engine and two police cars were already on scene searching for the[…]
Critical Reflection #5: Olivia Cueto
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. For me, senior project has been[…]
Critical reflection #5- Ana Ziebarth
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I’ve discovered that I work best[…]
Critical Reflection #4: Olivia Cueto
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Pearl Mcaninch
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I have been surprised by the[…]
Navah Goldblum – Critical Reflection #5
I have noticed throughout this process that the start of my week sets a trend for the days that follow. Meaning when I come back home from my cohort and[…]
Week 5 Experience 1
In my position at Midwood Ambulance Service, I am a COVID vaccinator, I sign up for shifts at the one (formerly two) POD at which we have a contract to[…]
CR# 5 – Rosina Kling
I’ve really enjoyed the independent study process so far. It gives me the freedom to construct my day in a way that makes me feel most comfortable, which in turn[…]
week 2 update 2
I forgot to add this earlier, but during the second week of my project I made Chinesew fried rice. I did some research on the recipe and tried to find[…]
Lulu Fleming-Benite — Critical Reflection 4
Critical Reflection 4 Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have[…]
Lulu Fleming-Benite — Critical Reflection 3
Critical Reflection 3 Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? How are you exploring your essential question; is[…]
Lulu Fleming-Benite — Critical Reflection 2
Critical Reflection 2 Directions: describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential[…]
Lulu Fleming-Benite — Critical Reflection 1
Critical Reflection 1 Assignment: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 4 Journal
Week 4: At this point, I have all of my guest speakers set up with dates and times, and I’m working on getting the bios and pictures done. I’ve also[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 3 Journal
Week 3: I’ve gotten into a pretty good routine at this point when it comes to my workflow. This week, I’ve been doing a little bit of everything. I hosted[…]
Cayla Robbins-CR#5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I started this project with an[…]
CR # 4 – Rosina Kling
First Source: Crash Course Philosophy The question of morality is one that comes up often in almost every sector of philosophy. In episode 31 of Crash Course Philosophy, Hank[…]
Jack Schnall CR #5
Over the course of my senior project, I have gotten into a good habit of following a similar schedule each week. While it can sometimes feel a bit repetitive, I[…]
CR#4: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
Something I am very thankful for is doing research ahead of time. Before this project even started I ordered 4 books that all had to do with my project in[…]
CR#3: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
Now that I am halfway through the project, I realize that I have set a pretty good routine for myself. When I wake up in the morning, I choose between[…]
CR#2: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
A significant moment I had during last week was when I was at a friend’s house on a Friday night. It was getting late and we were all hungry. My[…]
CR#1: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
This project is important to me because I have surface-level knowledge on my essential question, (How can an athlete achieve and sustain peak performance?) and I want to dig deeper.[…]
Critical Reflections #2 (April 29th-25th)
An experience I am choosing to reflect on is when I was in a meeting with Jody Gerson who is the head of Universal Music Group, Music Publishing. I listened[…]
Josh Sapira – Critical Reflection #5
I have discovered that my habits and processes are simultaneously helpful and inhibitive of productive work. On the one hand, I get into these grooves where I can sit at[…]
CR 5- Lily and Acadia
I think that I speak for the both of us when I say that we have made many discoveries about our process and habits regarding senior projects. We have noticed[…]
Dana Katz – CR #1
As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is asking for the story of your[…]
Critical Reflection #1 (April 12-18)
In my first week at my internship, I was able to get a good idea of what the day-to-day is like at NOW//with. My work included sitting in on meetings[…]
Critical Reflection 5 – Max A.
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? During the process, I realized that I have a very hard time steering the project in the way that I want[…]
Cate Woolsey – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Post your reflection to the blog[…]
Dana Katz – Project Update 3
Update #1: TOP hopes to create their own sustainable period panties. When creating a product it is essential to scope out competitors and rest of the market. This week I[…]
Rei Weintraub- Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Throughout the project so far, along with learning a lot about my topic, I have also learned many things[…]
Week 4 process update 2 – Max A.
This week, I met with Rabbi Val to talk about where I wanted this project to go. She also helped me get into contact with the people that I interviewed.[…]
Week 4 process update 1 – Max A.
This week, I started doing research on Issuu, an e-publishing site. But I’ve never worked on an e-publishing website. So I decided to contact Ilana Greenberg again. She showed me[…]
Week 3 process update 2
This week, I started working on my slides that will eventually be turned into my cookbook. I’ve never really made a cookbook, so I didn’t really know how to format[…]
Week three process update 1 – Max A.
This week, I got to interview a woman named Sheila Rabin. She is a woman who is a member of my synagogue, and has been for a long time. Rabbi[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: Week 4 – #2
During the second part of the week, we were able to give two classes of 3-5 year-olds from the school next door to us a tour of the chickens, sheep,[…]
Weekly Reflection for 5/3
For this weekly blog post I thought I would write about thee USS Growler (SSG-577). The USS Growler was one of 2 submarine designed to carry the Regulus class nuclear[…]
Spencer Rosenblum-Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? One of the things that I have noticed about my process is that when I am not working in person,[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #5
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post – Week 4 #1
For the first part of this week I took these photos of some of the birds (including one that just arrived at the Ravensbeard rehabilitation center). The first photo is[…]
Week 2 progress update 2 – Max A.
This week, I interviewed a man named Hai Knafo, a Moroccan Israeli jew. I met him through my synagogue. We met for about an hour and a half. While he[…]
Week 2 progress update – Max A.
This week, I went to my Uncle’s house. While I was there, he told me about his grandma’s Matzah Ball recipe and also taught me how to cook the Matzah[…]
CR #5 Ethan O
I do a lot of similar things everyday. I check, send and respond to emails, work on grants and fundraising and work in the inventory and CRM system. Dylan and[…]
Critical Reflection #5
Something that I have learned about my process is that I am somewhat used to having a pretty set routine, and doing what I have been doing is anything but.[…]
Max A. – Week 1 progress update
On April 13, I decided to invite some friends over to eat some food that I had cooked. I found the recipe that I used from a Joan Nathan book[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? When senior project was first introduced, I was nervous that I would[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 4
This week has been very productive. I started off the beginning of the week with a nice cohort meeting and check-in with Tom. For the rest of the day and[…]
Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village Photo Presentation
Williamsburg Photo Presentation
Overlook Mountain House Visit
In the early 1800s, the Hudson Valley became a popular vacation spot for rich New York City residents. Developers throughout upstate New York capitalized on this demand for a taste[…]
Meeting with Yukie Ohta
Last week we met with Yukie Ohta, an archivist and founder of the Soho Memory Project, in order to discuss our findings after photographing Williamsburg, Greenwich Village, and the Financial[…]
Critical Reflections
CR #1: I’m beginning this project with very little knowledge about preservation and how it relates to New York history. I already know that there will be different motives driving[…]
Week 3 pt 2 documentation – Sofia Giglio
There is so many reasons to not support fast fashion, but one of the main things is the stealing of ideas. Designing clothes is an art for many people and[…]
documentation – week 2 pt 2
Since I was not able to go purchase new fabrics this week at fabscrap, I decided to go to a small local business near my house. A small shop called[…]
Critical Reflection 4 – Sofia Giglio
My essential question is how can I help create a more sustainable fashion industry? How can I help create less waste and more ethical work conditions? These are very broad[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 4 Documentation (Post #2)
5/7/21 EMT Final Written Exam Study Because my course is nearing the end, I have spent most of this week studying for the final written and skills exams.[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 4 Documentation (Post #1)
5/4/21 EMT in person class- AED Today in EMT class we learned how to use the AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This is a portable device that is used[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. It’s really interesting to compare[…]