Looking back on these 6 weeks, I can really appreciate what Senior Project has done for me. Before I began this project, I was just a picky kid that has[…]
Category: Sports & Fitness
Sarah Katz CR 5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. At the beginning of the project,[…]
Jack Schnall CR #5
Over the course of my senior project, I have gotten into a good habit of following a similar schedule each week. While it can sometimes feel a bit repetitive, I[…]
CR#4: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
Something I am very thankful for is doing research ahead of time. Before this project even started I ordered 4 books that all had to do with my project in[…]
CR#3: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
Now that I am halfway through the project, I realize that I have set a pretty good routine for myself. When I wake up in the morning, I choose between[…]
CR#2: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
A significant moment I had during last week was when I was at a friend’s house on a Friday night. It was getting late and we were all hungry. My[…]
CR#1: Aidhan Farley Astrachan
This project is important to me because I have surface-level knowledge on my essential question, (How can an athlete achieve and sustain peak performance?) and I want to dig deeper.[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. It’s really interesting to compare[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #4
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these[…]
Sarah Katz CR 4
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to[…]
Sarah Katz CR 3
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Jack Schnall CR#4
An outside source that I have found to be extremely helpful is an online course called, “No-Nonsense, Practical Sports Psychology.” This course focuses on a different aspect of each video.[…]
Jack Schnall CR #3
In week two of my senior project, I focused on anchoring, a sport psychology technique used by athletes. One of my essential questions is about what goes into the psychology[…]
Victor Schwartz CR 4
I am fully exploring my essential question, but maybe not completely as planned. At first I thought the best way to go about it was by interviewing adults that are[…]
Victor Schwartz: CR 2
Since senior project has began, I’ve been noticing what keeps people committed to everything, and especially to their sports or hobbies. While playing for the school baseball team, one of[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 3
Over the past 3 weeks I have listened to various basketball podcasts and created my own. The more I record these interviews, the more I find my voice. As I[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 2
For the first week of my senior project I interviewed two coaches. Although I did not look at the youth’s perspective on basketball, I investigated what shapes it. Interviewing coaches[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 1
It is important to hear a wide range of perspectives on the game of basketball, yet we do not have access to points of views that differ from mainstream sports[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #3
Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what[…]
Sarah Katz Critical Reflection 2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare[…]
Henry Boone – Critical Reflection #1
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve played some type of sports. From my very first tee ball league when I was five years old to being a team captain[…]
Jack Schnall – CR #1
This week, my focus was on “visualization,” a concept I learned about in a sports psychology online course. Visualization is, “The process of creating a mental image or intention of[…]
Sarah Katz Critical Reflection #1
What do you know? I have always in the back of my mind wanted to do more than just practice with the team I am playing for, but always[…]
Critical Reflection 1 Victor Schwartz
What do I know? I know that LREI Athletics while providing a comfortable environment to try out sports and have a good time, are not as serious as they could[…]
Henry Boone – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Fitness and Nutritional Cookbook Essential Question(s): How does living a healthy lifestyle affect someone athletically, and additionally affect other aspects of their life? How does changing[…]