CR # 6 – Rosina Kling

Before beginning this project I had little to no insight on what it meant to study philosophy through a creative lens. The areas of philosophy I first looked into brought[…]

CR# 5 – Rosina Kling

I’ve really enjoyed the independent study process so far. It gives me the freedom to construct my day in a way that makes me feel most comfortable, which in turn[…]

CR # 4 – Rosina Kling

First Source: Crash Course Philosophy    The question of morality is one that comes up often in almost every sector of philosophy. In episode 31 of Crash Course Philosophy, Hank[…]

Zander Lu- Week 2.2

Libertarianism, on the other hand, respects the right to choose. It values the individual. The fundamental right is to live as we please, as long as it doesn’t inhibit others[…]

Zander Lu- Week 2.1

Utilitarianism believes that the moral thing to do is to maximize pleasure over pain. This means that while some may suffer, as long as most prosper, it is worth it.[…]

Zander Lu-Week 1.2

I started reading the Ethics of Identity by Kwame Anthony Appiah. I was introduced to the ideas of individualism and autonomy as philosophical concepts. The book is more engaging than[…]

Zander Lu-Week 1.1

I have just started. I have read an essay on Indian Moral Thought. I have read This Is Water by David Foster Wallace. These have just started me on the[…]