5/18/21 I recently have mainly been studying for my EMT final exam. When beginning my EMT class, I had no idea how much information I would be getting tested on.[…]
Category: Medicine
Rei Weintraub- Critical Reflection #6
My initial essential question was, Why is it that some people have almost unlimited medical care when others have none? Although this question still applies to my research, I have[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 5 Documentation (Post #2)
5/14/21 During colonial times, medical and experimental exploitation of enslaved people mirrored the social and economic abuses that they were forced into at the time. All of the[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 5 Documentation (Post #1)
5/10/21 Today I did some general research on medical inequalities in colonial times. It really made me realize how interconnected health care can be with all aspects of human[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post: Week 5 #2
During the second part of this week, we had a new set of five chicks born. There was a humidity issue which meant it was much harder for the chicks[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post: Week 5 # 1
During the first part of this week, I was able to document a lot of new animals, as well as the recovery of a few animals that have been at[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #6
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Week 5 experience 2
I responded to a reported unconscious person at 110th St. and Lenox ave. Upon our arrival, a fire engine and two police cars were already on scene searching for the[…]
Week 5 Experience 1
In my position at Midwood Ambulance Service, I am a COVID vaccinator, I sign up for shifts at the one (formerly two) POD at which we have a contract to[…]
Rei Weintraub- Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Throughout the project so far, along with learning a lot about my topic, I have also learned many things[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: Week 4 – #2
During the second part of the week, we were able to give two classes of 3-5 year-olds from the school next door to us a tour of the chickens, sheep,[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #5
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post – Week 4 #1
For the first part of this week I took these photos of some of the birds (including one that just arrived at the Ravensbeard rehabilitation center). The first photo is[…]
Critical Reflection #5
Something that I have learned about my process is that I am somewhat used to having a pretty set routine, and doing what I have been doing is anything but.[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 4 Documentation (Post #2)
5/7/21 EMT Final Written Exam Study Because my course is nearing the end, I have spent most of this week studying for the final written and skills exams.[…]
Rei Weintraub- Week 4 Documentation (Post #1)
5/4/21 EMT in person class- AED Today in EMT class we learned how to use the AED (Automated External Defibrillator). This is a portable device that is used[…]
Week 4 experience 2
Now that the weather is getting warmer people are coming to the park to get fresh air and enjoy themselves. This as one might expect, leads to many many accidents.[…]
Week 4 experience 1
As much as we like to think of EMS as a service that is only used in the absolute worst of emergencies, in reality, that is not how it is[…]
Rei Weintraub – Critical Reflection #4
For my text investigation, I looked at two different articles by Yolanda Wilson, a professor and researcher at Howard University. She was analyzing the idea of using an intersectional framework[…]
Critical Reflection 4
“Bringing Out the Dead” by Joe Connelly has been identified by many EMS professionals to be much closer to the real world of what it is like to be in[…]
Rei Weintraub – Week 3 Documentation (Post #2)
4/29 EMT in person class- Topic: KED Today we learned how to use the KED. KED stands for Kendric Extrication Device and it is used for extricating patients from[…]
Rei Weintraub Week 3 Documentation (Post #1)
4/27 EMT in person class- Topic: Childbirth This week in EMT class we learned about our last two topics: childbirth and the KED. For childbirth, when I got[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #4
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: 2 – Week #3
During the second part of this week we had lots of lambs born on the farm. Out of the three mothers that gave birth this week, one had a lot[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: 1 – Week #3
I was able to capture a lot of great photos and videos this week of the birds in the Ravensbeard Rehabilitation center and these are some of them: Link[…]
Week 3 experience 2
On my way back to the station after a long shift with an extremely complex patient, we got a call for an unknown problem. Upon our arrival on scene, there[…]
Week 3 experience 1
The first thing I was taught in EMT school and was drilled into all of our brains throughout was that your safety comes before anything else followed by your partner’s[…]
Rei Weintraub – Critical Reflection #3
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Rei Weintraub – Week 2 Documentation (Post #2)
April 22nd Today in my in person EMT class, we went over trauma and medical assessments. We are almost done with the 5 month course and have learned all[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 2 – Week 2
During the second part of this week, we had another pregnant sheep give birth to twins and these are the pictures I documented of the lambs: We also had[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 1 – Week 2
The first half of this week I spent all of my time checking on the lambs, (if they’re eating, drinking, acting normal, etc.) The photo below is of the first[…]
Week 2 experience 2
Something that I had anticipated but not yet felt about my time in EMS so far was the effect of the long hours and the changing shifts. In the past[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #3
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Rei Weintraub – Week 2 Documentation (Post #1)
April 19th Today I did a shift on a private ambulance. As a part of my class, all students need to complete a 10 hour shift on an ambulance[…]
Rei Weintraub – Critical Reflection #2
I recently listened to a podcast by Dr. Asha Shajahan, MD. from Beaumont hospital discussing the idea of zip codes dictating how long you live. Within one zip codes you[…]
Rei Weintraub – Week 1 Documentation (Post #2)
This week in my EMT class I learned about medical assessment and administering medications. This is about my 10th week in the course. I was very surprised about how much[…]
Rei Weintraub – Week 1 Documentation (Post #1)
Today we had our cohort meeting and Daniel suggested that I narrowed my focus on what I wanted to research. I had the general idea that I wanted to learn[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 2 – Week #1
This week, we had 5 lambs born on the farm so helping the sheep give birth as well as caring for/ making sure the newborn lambs were healthy took lots[…]
Week 2 experience
Part of my senior project involves working a lot of hours in a short amount of time. If the hours are not long, they are usually intensive or a lot[…]
Week 1 experience
Although most of the operations of the Central Park Medical Unit include back-end administration and the actual tours where we respond to 911 calls, there is a side that I[…]
Critical Reflection #2
On approximately hour eight of twelve of my regular shift vaccinating at the DOHMH City Point COVID-19 vaccine pod I had just finished off my tenth dose of the Moderna[…]
Week 1 Experience post
For two weeks in a row, I have had patients who have been the victims of assaults. More specifically, these patients had been pepper-sprayed. After having spoken to multiple experienced[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 1: Week #1
Documentation plan: In order to document my experience at my internship, I’ve been taking photos and videos of the birds that I encounter. I also want to capture the stories[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #2
My essential questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Dylan Winter Week 0 Experience reflection
During my first week of the experiential portion of I was able to take one shift with the Central Park Medical Unit and two with Midwood Ambulance. During just that[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #1
What do you know? I bring with me lots of experience in caring for farm animals (including domesticated birds like chickens, ducks and geese). I also have experience being around[…]
Rei Weintraub – Critical Reflection #1
What do you know? Explain what you already know about your essential question. Explain why the topic is important to you, and what is motivating your inquiry. In my summer[…]
Dylan Winter Critical Reflection #1
My essential question is What is it like to work in private paid EMS? This question is something that has a few answers some of which are well known. Burnout[…]
Dylan Winter Final Project Proposal
Working in private, paid EMS. What is it like to work in private EMS? What are the difference between 911 and IFT? Is it possible to make a decent living[…]