What is your guiding, underlying question? How can learning through different mediums, like hands-on settings with others or individualized learning done online, lead to more productive learning? Include any sub-questions[…]
Category: Karyn
Elias-Proposal Pitch
Greek Family Cookbook My essential question is: How can I preserve and learn about tradition through cooking. This question is important to me because Greek culture centers around large family[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Learning/Work/Documentation Plans
My goals: I want to learn about how people are being activists about food for people in need. I also want to learn how food is connected to people’s happiness[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Proposal Pitch
Project Name: Happiness Within Baking: Healthy Recipes and Combating Food Insecurity Guiding Questions: How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Proposal Pitch
Your project name: Wildlife Rehabilitation Internship The challenges that my project will address: This project will help me better care for and learn how to help injured animals, which[…]
Natalie – Proposal Pitch Draft
What is your guiding, underlying question? My guiding question is how does a book go from an idea to what one sees on a shelf? What does this process look[…]
Cole Dorsey Revised Project Plan
Learning digitally and analog What can learning through different mediums like digitally and analog reveal about myself as a learner?
Malia Sardinha_Revised Working Draft
My main questions right now are how does cuisine evolve and change in America from its country of origin, does authentic food mean authentic and traditional recipes or ingredients? I[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Revised Initial Project Plan
I talked to my advisor Karyn about the revisions for my senior project plan. Goal: To find happiness within baking and developing healthy recipes, and looking at ways to combat[…]
Lily Parks and Acadia Schimmel- Revised initial Project Plan
We spoke with Karyn and Kara. Our idea for senior project is to do a deeper dive into the ways covid has impacted New York City. Both of us[…]
Proposal Pitch – Navah
For my senior project, I plan to intern with my dad as an economic data analyst. I want to learn how data analysis works / how the correct graphs are[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #3
I originally imagined my project more like an internship where I could possibly “shadow” a chef in a restaurant. I wanted to see how they curate their menu and try[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #2
These questions matter to me because I am very interested in learning more about cuisine. I am interested in finding some kind of answer to these questions throughout my project.[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #1
My main questions right now are how does cuisine evolve and change in America from its country of origin, does authentic food mean authentic and traditional recipes or ingredients? I[…]
Olivia Barrera-Blog Post #1
The first idea that I came up with was, I would read all the Twilight books (not including her most recent book), as well as watch the movies, and[…]
Blog Post #2 – Cole Dorsey
For my senior project idea, I am most excited about the possibility of continuing to pursue my passion for music-making, instrumental mastery, and self-expression through music. The essential question[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Working Blog Post #3
For the feasibility of my project, it would be the most helpful if I find one homeless shelter/soup kitchen to bring my baked goods to each week and volunteer at.[…]
Alexa Kennedy Proposal Pitch
My essential question is how can explore my personal history through the art form of comics. This is important to me because I have always loved to read memoirs and[…]
Alexa Kennedy Working Draft Blog Post #3
I think that my project would be very feasible because I would be able to do it whether I was at school or not. I already have a lot of[…]
Alexa Kennedy Working Draft Post #2
During the experiential portion of the project, I want to read as many comic books with different art styles as I can to get an idea of the type of[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Working Blog Post #2
I want to learn about how to make healthier options when it comes to desserts and sweets, and also how I can help homeless people/people in need of food/happiness. I[…]
Blog Post #1 – Cole Dorsey
For my senior project, I am most excited by the idea of connecting my passion for sailing with a more equitable lens by teaching those who are often excluded from[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Working Draft Blog Post 3
I do believe that my ideas for tackling the essential questions are feasible. I contacted the organizations that I want to intern at including a bird sanctuary in NYC which[…]
Alexa Kennedy – Working Draft Blog Post #1
The key essential questions that are driving my inquiry are how can I tell a story about my life through the art form of comic books, what does the process[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Working Draft Blog Post 2
I’m interested in working with and around animals, since I have come to the realization that I really enjoy caring for injured/sick animals during quarantine, and I would like to[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Working Draft Blog Post 1
The essential questions that I’ve come up with so far are: How do you care for an injured animal so that you can give it the best possible chance when[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Working Blog Post #1
My Essential Questions: How can I make baking more accessible to people in poverty? How can easy baking help the lives of homeless people/people in need? How do baked goods[…]
Natalie – Working Draft Blog Post #3
Natalie Peña Blog Post #3 I believe what I see myself doing for Senior Project is feasible. If interning for a publishing company proves too difficult, shadowing might be an[…]
Natalie – Working Draft Blog Post #2
Natalie Peña Blog post #2 To address these questions, I see myself interning or shadowing with someone in a publishing company. In New York City, there are so many. There’s[…]
Natalie – Working Draft Blog Post #1
Natalie Peña The key essential questions I’ve identified that are driving my inquiry are how does a book go from a concept to what one sees on a shelf? What[…]
working blog post 3
How feasible: If I am interning with my dad or do the google triaging or both all options are feasible in our current COVID state and in the event we[…]
working blog post 2
Essential question: I want to learn how data analysis works / how the correct graphs are made to predict what the economist is asking for. Beyond that, I also wonder[…]
working blog post 1
What I’ll be doing: My dad works in the world of finance and if we are in lockdown again I would be able to intern with him and his work[…]
Lily Parks Blog Post 2
My most thought through idea is to go throughout the city and learn about food culture in different communities from different places. I want to do this by learning recipes[…]
Lily Parks Blog Post 1
I have identified some essential questions that could drive my senior project ideas forward. One idea is to ask the question “How can I expand my knowledge on food cultures[…]
navah – 5 min pitch
My Story: Over the summer, I was at my friend’s house, who has had multiple family issues as we’ve grown up. I’ve seen many of her family arguments and heard[…]
Cole – 5 minute purpose pitch
Your Reason Your Story: Choose a “critical incident” that set you on your path and helped you uncover how you want to make an impact (your contribution) through your senior[…]
Cole – Purpose Statement
I know that in some shape or form, one component of my senior project will be oriented around connecting through empathy and helping the needs of others. I want to[…]
Olivia B- My Purpose Statement
Reflecting in this exercise, I think its helpful to see that recreation and wanting people to enjoy themselves can be an area of impact, I’m bot sure how organization and[…]
Elias’s Initial Senior Project Prototypes and Thoughts
I think my first idea would be the most interesting and would give me the most experience. Politics is something I am very interested in. I hope to study[…]
Malia 5 minute purpose pitch
Reason: I realized that I would like to do a project with something that I am deeply interested in and read/watch media about often which is food. A show that[…]
Lily Parks—5-minute purpose pitch
One critical incident for me that helped me uncover the impact I want to make was last years junior trip process. I learned a lot about the effects of climate[…]
Natalie – 5 minute purpose pitch
I have a lot of ideas as to what I’d like to do during senior project, but the reason they have in common is that I’d like to help share[…]
Luc Dunlop – 5 Minute Purpose Pitch
Your Reason: My goal is to combine my hand-on knowledge of professional race car driving and resources for sustainable automobile engineering in order to change an environmentally harmful sport. […]
Ruby – 5 Minute Purpose Pitch
My Reason/story: Since the start of COVID I have been upstate on our family farm and I have been learning so much now that I’m able to live here full[…]
navah – my purpose
My purpose is to provide people with comfort, compassion, and perspective so that they can better navigate their mental health and relationships with others.
Annabelle – 5-minute Purpose Pitch
My Reason/my story: My “critical incident” was when I made coconut macaroons for my family, and my dad gave them to the manager at his restaurant. He said they tasted[…]
Alexa Kennedy – 5 Minute Purpose Pitch
Your Reason I want everyone to have access to creative expression, especially through visual art. When I was younger, I went to a very unfunded public school where we had[…]
Lily Parks—My Purpose Statement
I think that I can use these to help my senior project. Knowing that my biggest impact area is animal right swill help men possibly shift my thinking towards animals[…]
Malia-My Purpose statement
This report can help inform my senior project because I now know that I do best in connection and charisma which is really about who I am in relation to[…]
Annabelle-My Purpose Statement
This information is very helpful when figuring out my senior project because it confirms my passion for helping others with immense compassion. Baking and cooking are very comforting things[…]
Natalie – my purpose statement
I’m not really sure how this will inform my senior project design because the impact areas weren’t really things I was interested in, but I think the strengths might help[…]
My Purpose Statement – Alexa Kennedy
My results from PurposeMatch confuse me a little bit, but I think that maybe because I have never considered myself as having some of these strengths or interests. This activity[…]
Natalie – Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
For my initial thoughts on senior project, I am looking forward to what this will look like. It’s exciting to have so much leeway to decide such a big thing[…]
Lily Parks—Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
My initial thoughts on the senior project have mainly been positive. While I am nervous, I am excited to have the independence that comes with working on a project outside[…]
Project Prototypes and Thoughts Alexa Kennedy
Here are my first 4 initial ideas for my senior project: Reflection: This exercise was very helpful for me in that I have a good idea of certain aspects I[…]
Ruby Hutchins – My Purpose Statement
I think what I got for my strengths and impacts are very accurate. I can understand why my strengths are what they are because I feel like I do draw[…]
Luc Dunlop – Purpose Statement
Our world is constantly changing, the most recent and biggest change has been e COVID-19. Organizations have been changing in order to adapt to these new needs, but this is[…]
navah-project prototypes
One idea would be to intern with an interior designed I worked with over winter break of sophomore year. I looked through fabrics to see which had been discontinued, ran[…]
Luc Dunlop- Project Prototypes
I am excited to learn about a topic I wouldn’t have the chance to learn about any other time. I have truly been passionate about cars and racing my entire[…]
Annabelle-Project Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
I’m very excited about my senior project because I definitely know that I want to do something related to baking. I think these four ideas are a good start to[…]
Malia-project prototypes and initial thoughts
I am currently very unsure about all my ideas but I feel strongly for the one about restaurants/food blogs/food reviewers and how xenophobia, racism, and other things impact all parts[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
I have lots of ideas about what I want my senior project to be. I had previously thought that I would for sure be doing an internship for my senior[…]
Cole – Project Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
I am finding it difficult between striking a balance of pursuing a senior project that is safe and realistic versus a project that is more unrealistic however more centered around[…]