Looking back on my Essential Question, I would say I was able to answer it. My question was a good frame for my Senior Project, and I was able to[…]
Category: Karyn
Week 5 update 2
I went to Kalustyan’s as well as Indian groceries around India town (20s on the east side). I went there to get ingredients for Coconut Ladoo. Using dried shredded coconut,[…]
Critical Reflection 6
What growth or understanding did you experience through the Senior Project? How has the experience changed you, or your concept of yourself? Consider skills, attitudes, habits, resources, capabilities,, etc. Are[…]
Critical Reflection #6 – Cole Dorsey
How has your essential question changed throughout the 6 weeks? My initial essential question was, “How can learning through different mediums, like hands-on settings with others or individualized learning done[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #6
What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? I expected to learn about specific steadfast rules that made something authentic. While doing[…]
Final Reflection: Critical Reflection #6 – Annabelle Hatsav
I feel that I answered both of my essential questions about improving my baking skills and about food accessibility. These questions were a great frame for my senior project and[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post: Week 5 #2
During the second part of this week, we had a new set of five chicks born. There was a humidity issue which meant it was much harder for the chicks[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post: Week 5 # 1
During the first part of this week, I was able to document a lot of new animals, as well as the recovery of a few animals that have been at[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #6
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Critical Reflection #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I have discovered that my senior project schedule is much more difficult to work out than I anticipated. When I was[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Cole Dorsey
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. It is extremely difficult for me[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #5
Right now I am realizing that the interview process has taught me the most so far. Doing the research before I do interviews to get a better understanding of my[…]
Critical Reflection #5 – Annabelle Hatsav
While baking I discovered that I steer off of the path a little when it comes to following the recipes I use. I try really hard to follow every step[…]
Natalie Peña – Critical Reflection #5
Something I discovered about my process is that my writing is very static. Instead of sitting down and being able to write a review all in one go, I find[…]
Navah Goldblum – Critical Reflection #5
I have noticed throughout this process that the start of my week sets a trend for the days that follow. Meaning when I come back home from my cohort and[…]
week 2 update 2
I forgot to add this earlier, but during the second week of my project I made Chinesew fried rice. I did some research on the recipe and tried to find[…]
CR 5- Lily and Acadia
I think that I speak for the both of us when I say that we have made many discoveries about our process and habits regarding senior projects. We have noticed[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: Week 4 – #2
During the second part of the week, we were able to give two classes of 3-5 year-olds from the school next door to us a tour of the chickens, sheep,[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #5
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation Post – Week 4 #1
For the first part of this week I took these photos of some of the birds (including one that just arrived at the Ravensbeard rehabilitation center). The first photo is[…]
Natalie Peña – Critical Reflection #4
For my two outside sources, I will be using an interview I did earlier this week, and one of the books I just finished reading. My interview was with Chris[…]
Critical Reflection #4 – Cole Dorsey
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these ideas resonate[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection # 4
One source that was particularly meaningul for me was an article called Reclaiming Indian Food from the White Gaze that was particularly insightful to me. The article discussed what is[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Critical Reflection #4
My essential questions: How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve my own baking and food understanding? For my first essential[…]
Critical Reflection 4
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these ideas resonate[…]
Malia – Week 2 update 1
On Wednesday night I made the classic Indian dish called Aloo Matar which consists of potatoes, various spices and peas. I had only ever had it in a restaurant before[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #4
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: 2 – Week #3
During the second part of this week we had lots of lambs born on the farm. Out of the three mothers that gave birth this week, one had a lot[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation: 1 – Week #3
I was able to capture a lot of great photos and videos this week of the birds in the Ravensbeard Rehabilitation center and these are some of them: Link[…]
Critical Reflection #3 – Cole
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Critical Reflection #3
My essential questions: How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve my own baking and food understanding? I have been exploring[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 3
Over the past 3 weeks I have listened to various basketball podcasts and created my own. The more I record these interviews, the more I find my voice. As I[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 2
For the first week of my senior project I interviewed two coaches. Although I did not look at the youth’s perspective on basketball, I investigated what shapes it. Interviewing coaches[…]
Luc Dunlop CR 1
It is important to hear a wide range of perspectives on the game of basketball, yet we do not have access to points of views that differ from mainstream sports[…]
Critical Reflection 3
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #3
Essential Question:What are the criteria that makes food authentic? I am exploring my essential question through research and interviewing. The answers I’ve gotten so far has been in the realm[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 2 – Week 2
During the second part of this week, we had another pregnant sheep give birth to twins and these are the pictures I documented of the lambs: We also had[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 1 – Week 2
The first half of this week I spent all of my time checking on the lambs, (if they’re eating, drinking, acting normal, etc.) The photo below is of the first[…]
Navah Goldblum – Critical Reflection #3
My essential questions are: What are subtle ways economists can influence people to make smarter financial decisions? How can economists prove that behavioral economics is real? And How can economists[…]
Navah Goldblum – Critical Reflection #2
Two of my essential questions are: What are subtle ways economists can influence people to make smarter financial decisions? and How can economists prove that behavioral economics is real? Obviously,[…]
Acadia and Lily Senior Project Blog
For further blog posts, please visit our personal senior project blog at https://nycwithacadiaandlily.blogspot.com !! Thanks
Lily P and Acadia S Critical Reflection 2- Senior Project
Critical Reflections #2: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” An experience that relates to[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #3
My Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Natalie Peña – Critical Reflection #2
A moment I’m thinking about is when I finished reading my first book for my senior project, and I had to sit down and write a lil “review” type thing[…]
Natalie Peña – Critical Reflection #1
My essential question is “how does a book go from an idea to what we see on a shelf?” Something I already know about that is what the book-making process[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 2 – Week #1
This week, we had 5 lambs born on the farm so helping the sheep give birth as well as caring for/ making sure the newborn lambs were healthy took lots[…]
Critical Reflection #2 – Cole D
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare it[…]
Critical Reflection #2 – Annabelle Hatsav
On Tuesday 4/13/21, I spent the day at the restaurant Yuca Bar, baking with the pastry chef there. Jesus Herrera taught me how to make donuts (glazed and filled), churros,[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #2
Updated Essential Question: What are the criteria that makes food authentic? While doing my senior project I’ve been watching many videos about traditional Chinese and Indian street food. I noticed[…]
Critical Reflection #2 Alexa Kennedy
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” Throughout my senior project[…]
My Personal Senior Project Blog – Annabelle Hatsav
Here is the link to my personal blog which I am documenting my senior project on: https://annabellesbakingjourney.blogspot.com/ I update it each week with recipes, the interview I conduct, and my[…]
Navah Goldblum – Critical Reflection #1
Where is the line between behavioral economics and the study of behavior without economics? I was asking myself this question while listening to my podcasts this week, specifically Freakonomics. Freakonomics[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Documentation 1: Week #1
Documentation plan: In order to document my experience at my internship, I’ve been taking photos and videos of the birds that I encounter. I also want to capture the stories[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #2
My essential questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How can shadowing[…]
Elias Kassel-Venetis Critical Reflection #1
My essential question is: How can I learn about tradition and heritage through cooking. This topic is very important to me because food is a big part of Greek traditions[…]
Cole Dorsey – Critical Reflection #1
What do you know? I have always been fascinated with the way humans digest and process new information – the ways in which we learn. During lifelab in freshman year,[…]
Malia – Critical Reflection #1
Updated Essential Question: What are the criteria that makes food authentic? I’ve watched two videos on Chinese homestyle cooking and Indian homestyle cooking by Milk Street. Since I’m answering my[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Critical Reflection #1
What do you know? I bring with me lots of experience in caring for farm animals (including domesticated birds like chickens, ducks and geese). I also have experience being around[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Critical Reflection #1
My essential questions have updated. They are now: How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve my own baking and food[…]
Alexa Kennedy Critical Reflection #1
So far in my senior project, I feel good about what I have learned around the partition of India. I definitely am proud of what I discovered about the experiences[…]
Olivia B-Final Project
For my senior project, I plan on deepening my knowledge and understanding of film by watching a collection of movies and then writing about them in a reflective/personal essay each[…]
Natalie Peña – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Exploring the World of Publishing Essential Question: How does a book go from an idea to what we see on a shelf? Statement of Purpose For my Senior Project,[…]
Navah Goldblum – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: behavioral econ! Essential Question(s): How can economists prove that behavioral economics is real? What are subtle ways economists can influence people to make smarter financial decisions? How can[…]
Lily Parks and Acadia Schimmel- Final Project Proposal
Project Title: The Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic Essential Question(s): How has covid impacted the culture of NYC? Statement of Purpose For our project, we will be exploring the ways[…]
Acadia Schimmel and Lily Parks- Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation
For our project, we will spend the majority of our time doing hands-on activities around the city. Most days will be spent going outside and exploring museums, restaurants, tourist attractions,[…]
Lily Parks and Acadia Schimmel- Action Items Post
To make our idea actionable we need to map out what parts of the city we want to visit and why. We need to learn about these areas pre covid[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Happiness Within Baking: Healthy Recipes and Combating Food Insecurity Essential Question(s): How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve[…]
Malia Sardinha i-Search
Most of my project is research based. Before I cook and sample I am going to have to do a lot of research. I plan to read books, read articles,[…]
Malia Sardinha -The Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan Post
Learning Goals: -Learn about how/why the people in the food buisness value authenticity -Learn how important is authenticity to consumers -Study different aspects of authenticity -Come up with my own[…]
Ruby Hutchins – iSearch
List of Resources for my senior project: SPCA Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/DCSPCA Ravensbeard website: https://ravensbeard.org/ Ravensbeard Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RavensbeardWildlifeCenter/ American Veterinary Medical Association website: https://www.avma.org/journals (I will also likely subscribe to a veterinary[…]
Malia Sardinha – Action Item post
Confirming people who will be willing to speak with me is what I need to work on the most right now. I have a few connections that I’ve gotten through[…]
I-Search Resources – Annabelle Hatsav
Essential Questions: How can I make food more accessible to people in poverty? How can I work to improve the lives of homeless people? How does food improve lives? Key[…]
Alexa Kennedy – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Documenting History Through Comics Essential Question(s): How can explore my personal history through the art form of comics? Statement of Purpose For my Senior Project, I will interview[…]
Olivia Barrera-Learning Goals & General Work Plan/Documentation Plan
Learning Goals- I want to develop my voice as a writer and as someone who is “critiquing” films. Hopefully, through the weekly essays, I will naturally find a voice/writing[…]
Olivia Barrera- Action Items Post
Action Item Area- Connections/Research Reason For Item- A major part of my project is discussing different people’s views on the films I will be watching in order to answer my[…]
Final Project Proposal – Elias
Project Title: Family Cookbook Essential Question(s): How can I learn about tradition and heritage through cooking. Statement of Purpose The purpose of my project is to learn about my Greek heritage[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Final Project Post
Wildlife Rehabilitation Internship Essential Questions: How does treatment differ for different types of animals, wild and domestic, and how do you learn what types of treatment techniques are best? How[…]
Final Project Proposal – Cole Dorsey
Project Title: Modalities of Learning – How to become my most productive lifelong learning self. Essential Question(s): How can learning through different mediums, like hands-on settings with others or[…]
Elias – Action Items
Action Item Area: Textbook about Greek Food and its history Reason for Item: I want to read a textbook in order to maximize my understanding of the recipes I cook[…]
Navah Goldblum – Learning/Work/Documentation Plans
Key learning goals: Get more comfortable and understand more ways to keep/organize data —> I will do this by logging each experiment differently (pie chart, bar chart, scatter plot, linear[…]
Navah Goldblum – Action Items
For my project, all the items I need and will be making myself or already have. Spreadsheet, graphing, logging materials are all in google docs or google sheets. I will[…]
The Learning Goals & General Work Plan & Documentation – Cole Dorsey
I want the focus of my senior project to be researching what modalities of learning suit me best. I have outlined three different types of learning, and likewise, I have[…]
Action Plan – Cole Dorsey
Action Item Area: Connection for Sailing Mentorship Reason for Item: In order to experience what learning through a hands-on mentorship is like, I must first establish a connection that allows[…]
Action Items – Alexa Kennedy
Action Item Area: Comic Books Reason for Item: I want to gain inspiration from new material and learn more about how authors write comics. I also want to look at[…]
Natalie Peña – Learning/Work/Documentation Plans
Learning Goals Learn how to find balance in a creative job Gain insight into the world of publishing Learn about writing/reading as a job, rather than a recreational hobby Grow[…]
Natalie Peña – Action Items
Action Item Area: Write Pitch letter Reason for Item: I need to use this to reach out to people in the publishing field. It is through this pitch letter that[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan
Senior Project Goals: Learn how a veterinary hospital/rehabilitation center is run, takes in animals, releases animals, etc. Shadow professional vets and learn from them the most efficient and effective ways[…]
Annabelle Hatsav – Action Items
Action Item Area: Thinking about what I’m going to be baking Reason for Item: This is really important because I will be baking at least 3 times a week, and[…]
Learning Goals and General Work Plan – Alexa K
Learning Goals Learn how to transform interviews into sequential art Learn how to create comic strips Learn how to storyboard Be able to make my own comics after my senior[…]
Proposal pitch-Olivia Barrera
Watching a curated collection of movies each week and Writing Responsive Essays I have always had a passion for film and movies, an interest that has flourished throughout my high[…]
Ruby Hutchins – Action Items
Action Item Area: Connections Reason for Item: To be able to intern/volunteer I have to connect with leaders of the organization and fill out an application Notes: They have already[…]