Zander Lu— Initial Plan

For my Senior Project, I want to compare Eastern and Western moral philosophy by reading texts from each culture. I’ve been thinking of names like Lao Tzu or Confucius from[…]

Initial Post- Ruthanne

1) the key essential questions you’ve identified that are driving your inquiry. Currently, my questions are all over the place because I am still trying to decide what makes sense[…]

Acadia – Purpose Statement

Purpose Match39 Purpose Report (dragged) 2 Purpose Match39 Purpose Report (dragged) 1 Purpose Match39 Purpose Report (dragged)Purpose Match39 Purpose Report (dragged) 1Purpose Match39 Purpose Report (dragged)

Zander Lu-5 minute purpose pitch

I’ve always been fascinated by ethics and moral philosophy; the kind of questions that are impossible to answer definitively. I’ve gotten lost pondering ethical dilemmas, imagining hypotheticals and what I[…]

Mika Foguel—my purpose statement. I want to use my 4 top strengths, especially connection and strategy. I want to use connection as I am at my best when I work with others. I[…]

Spencer—my purpose statement

  This information is helpful in thinking about how I might approach an internship for my senior project. It is especially interesting that Aerospace Engineering appears on my stream considering[…]