Critical Analysis #5

What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question I have been working with Oliver scholars[…]

Jack Schnall CR #5

Over the course of my senior project, I have gotten into a good habit of following a similar schedule each week. While it can sometimes feel a bit repetitive, I[…]

Meeting with Yukie Ohta

Last week we met with Yukie Ohta, an archivist and founder of the Soho Memory Project, in order to discuss our findings after photographing Williamsburg, Greenwich Village, and the Financial[…]

Critical Reflections

CR #1: I’m beginning this project with very little knowledge about preservation and how it relates to New York history. I already know that there will be different motives driving[…]

Progress Update Week 1

Week 1 (update 1): This week I started by weeding the beds in the high tunnels. Then we added extra peat moss, lime, and fertilizer and rototilled it all together[…]

Jack Schnall CR#4

An outside source that I have found to be extremely helpful is an online course called, “No-Nonsense, Practical Sports Psychology.” This course focuses on a different aspect of each video.[…]

Jack Schnall CR #3

In week two of my senior project, I focused on anchoring, a sport psychology technique used by athletes. One of my essential questions is about what goes into the psychology[…]

Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #4

  Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect[…]

week 2 – meeting

I met with Lisa Metcalf, owner of Ten Yards, a company which helps fashion brands with sourcing, production and logistics. She has worked in the fashion world for over 30[…]

Critical reflection #3

1.How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]

Critical reflection #2

Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare[…]

Stella Propp- Journal Week 2

Aside from my regular baking, decorating, packaging, and shipping out duties, this week was dedicated to The Hunter Circuit Foundation whose goal is to help support talented and underfunded young[…]

April 21- documentation

While sewing my dress, I have been reading a book called Fashionopolis by Dana Thomas. I tried to keep the materials of the dress to be as sustainable as possible;[…]

Jack Schnall – CR #1

This week, my focus was on “visualization,” a concept I learned about in a sports psychology online course. Visualization is, “The process of creating a mental image or intention of[…]

Critical Reflection #1

Assignment: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is asking for the story of[…]


I already know that there is a large mental health crisis going on in America that not nearly enough people are focusing on. This topic is important to me because[…]

Project Plan- Jack A

Project Title: Psychology and Me   Essential Question(s):   How can we help those who are suffering from a psychological crisis?   Statement of Purpose   I hope that my[…]

Alexa Moskowitz – Action Plan

Connections Within the next few weeks, we will talk to our contact at the Dutchess Land Conservancy about preservation. Ellen Henneberry is the Director of Development at the Dutchess Land Conservancy,[…]

Final Project Proposal Post

Title: Understanding Agricultural Research, Development, and Application   Purpose Statement Ever since I was little, my family would visit my uncle’s family’s farm in New Jersey to pick pumpkins around[…]

Gwen Raffo – Action Items

Action Item Area: Reach out to Girl Scouts about copyrighted material Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: Hopefully shouldn’t take too long, but it really depends on how fast the responses are. I have to[…]

Nina – Proposal Pitch

How can we, as an emerging generation about to become adults, learn from what older generations have had experience with? How can we translate their experiences and pieces of advice[…]