5/19/21 – Today I had the live event with Judaline Cassidy, and it was great! I was really nervous for this one because Judaline is a really amazing speaker, a[…]
Category: Jess
cr week 5 – sofia giglio
I have discovered a lot about myself through this project. I have learned that it is very difficult for me to continuously sew and work on something for so long.[…]
Nina Gerzema – Critical Reflection #6
Essential Question: How can what older generations connected to the LREI community have experienced help younger generations navigate such trying times full of teen angst and growing up in the[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #6
This is a double-length reflection Please see the attached document: Senior Project 2021 Final Critical Reflection Prompts. This reflection is an in-depth look back at the past 6 weeks in[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #6
How do you anticipate this experience changing you or affecting you going forward? As a result of this senior project, I have been able to dedicate a large amount[…]
week 5 pt 2 – Interview with John Patrick sofia giglio
Interviewing John Patrick – a sustainable fashion brand You seem to have gotten into fashion sustainability very early on, your website talks about questioning sustainability in the early 90s, what[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #6
This reflection (a double-length reflection) is an in-depth look back at the past 6 weeks in particular, but can also address aspects of Senior Project that took place before the[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 5
The beginning half of my week was dedicated to the continuation of my meetings on zoom with different entrepreneurs. I had such a wonderful time getting to know a little[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 5 Journal
5/10/21 – I’m getting super excited for all of the live events that are coming up in the next two weeks. I have the first one on Friday, and it’s[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. For the past weeks, I[…]
Critical Analysis #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question I have been working with Oliver scholars[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. Something I will be taking away[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 4 Journal
Week 4: At this point, I have all of my guest speakers set up with dates and times, and I’m working on getting the bios and pictures done. I’ve also[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 3 Journal
Week 3: I’ve gotten into a pretty good routine at this point when it comes to my workflow. This week, I’ve been doing a little bit of everything. I hosted[…]
Jack Schnall CR #5
Over the course of my senior project, I have gotten into a good habit of following a similar schedule each week. While it can sometimes feel a bit repetitive, I[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? When senior project was first introduced, I was nervous that I would[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 4
This week has been very productive. I started off the beginning of the week with a nice cohort meeting and check-in with Tom. For the rest of the day and[…]
Greenwich Village
Greenwich Village Photo Presentation
Williamsburg Photo Presentation
Overlook Mountain House Visit
In the early 1800s, the Hudson Valley became a popular vacation spot for rich New York City residents. Developers throughout upstate New York capitalized on this demand for a taste[…]
Meeting with Yukie Ohta
Last week we met with Yukie Ohta, an archivist and founder of the Soho Memory Project, in order to discuss our findings after photographing Williamsburg, Greenwich Village, and the Financial[…]
Critical Reflections
CR #1: I’m beginning this project with very little knowledge about preservation and how it relates to New York history. I already know that there will be different motives driving[…]
Week 3 pt 2 documentation – Sofia Giglio
There is so many reasons to not support fast fashion, but one of the main things is the stealing of ideas. Designing clothes is an art for many people and[…]
documentation – week 2 pt 2
Since I was not able to go purchase new fabrics this week at fabscrap, I decided to go to a small local business near my house. A small shop called[…]
Critical Reflection 4 – Sofia Giglio
My essential question is how can I help create a more sustainable fashion industry? How can I help create less waste and more ethical work conditions? These are very broad[…]
Progress Update Week 3 (updated bi-weekly)
This week I started by spotting out (transplanting) 21 flats of tomatoes and seeding 3 flats of watermelons. I also weeded 200 hazelnut trees. I then spotted out 30 flats[…]
Progress Update Week 2 (updated bi-weekly)
This week I finished weeding the strawberry plants. We then planted the 700lbs of potatoes using a 100yr old potato planter. We had to fix a few parts. We installed[…]
Progress Update Week 1
Week 1 (update 1): This week I started by weeding the beds in the high tunnels. Then we added extra peat moss, lime, and fertilizer and rototilled it all together[…]
Jack Schnall CR#4
An outside source that I have found to be extremely helpful is an online course called, “No-Nonsense, Practical Sports Psychology.” This course focuses on a different aspect of each video.[…]
Jack Schnall CR #3
In week two of my senior project, I focused on anchoring, a sport psychology technique used by athletes. One of my essential questions is about what goes into the psychology[…]
Nina Gerzema – Critical Reflction #5
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. It feels super weird to know[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #4
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these ideas resonate[…]
Nina Gerzema – Critical Reflection #4
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #4
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect[…]
Josh Sapira – Critical Reflection #4
For my project, I reread Moneyball by Michael Lewis. Unlike the movie, there is a large discussion on Bill James (the founder of sabermetrics and modern-day data analytics in baseball).[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #4
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. My first source was[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 3
For the beginning half of the week, I devoted my time to brainstorming questions and things that I want to learn and talk about with other entrepreneurs. For part of[…]
Week 3 – interview with Miko Underwood
Why did you decide to start a fashion brand? So, I have been in the industry for about 18 years designing and leading other brands and in a design director[…]
week 2 – meeting
I met with Lisa Metcalf, owner of Ten Yards, a company which helps fashion brands with sourcing, production and logistics. She has worked in the fashion world for over 30[…]
Critical Reflection 3 – Sofia Giglio
I think the most important way I can answer my essential question is through research and conversations with experienced people. Luckily, a close family friend works in the fashion industry[…]
Critical reflection #3
1.How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Critical reflection #2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #3
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #3
Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #3
For a little while now, I’ve been thinking about my essential question and I feel like maybe it’s too general or more so straightford. I am diving into my business[…]
Josh Sapira – Critical Reflection #3
I am exploring my essential question in exactly the way I thought I would be – through diving into the numbers. Every day that I explore numbers to eventually be[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 2 Journal
4/23/21 Today I sent out my website, Instagram, and Discord server to a bunch of groups of girls that I have contact with. So far 10 people have joined, and[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 2
Aside from my regular baking, decorating, packaging, and shipping out duties, this week was dedicated to The Hunter Circuit Foundation whose goal is to help support talented and underfunded young[…]
Nina Gerzema – Critical Reflectoin #3
Now that you’re three weeks (halfway) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? 1. How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what[…]
Critical Reflection 2- Sofia Giglio
While walking around with my friend a while ago, we were going to stop in the fast fashion store Urban Outfitters. While we were inside she had asked me why[…]
April 21- documentation
While sewing my dress, I have been reading a book called Fashionopolis by Dana Thomas. I tried to keep the materials of the dress to be as sustainable as possible;[…]
Stella Propp- Journal Week 1
The first official week of Senior Project could not have been better for me. Having all of this time to devote to one project truly makes all the difference. I[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 1 Journal
4/15/21 I actually got quite a lot done today. I reached out to some people about help with badge guides and possibilities for live sessions and guest presentations. After that,[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #2
When I started my project, I knew that for it to be successful, I needed input from other highschool Girl Scouts. I had to make sure that I am not[…]
Critical Reflection 1 – sofia giglio
I was never really taught about the importance of being eco-concious in middle school. It wasn’t until sophomore year and I was scrolling through my Youtube recommended page and saw[…]
Jack Schnall – CR #1
This week, my focus was on “visualization,” a concept I learned about in a sports psychology online course. Visualization is, “The process of creating a mental image or intention of[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare it[…]
Documentation week 1 – Sofia Giglio
My first item I am making is a long red dress. I bought a reused pattern I got off Ebay to get something second hand and reduce waste as well[…]
Nina Gerzema – Critical Reflection #2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” At first, before I had[…]
Nina Gerzema Critical – Reflection #1
StoryTime Amongst Generations Essential Question: How can what older generations connected to the LREI community have experienced help younger generations navigate such trying times full of teen angst and growing[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” A fond memory of my[…]
Gwen Raffo – Week 0 Journal
4/10/21 I didn’t do too much today, but I spent a lot of time planning and taking pictures for my website. Some of the pictures were easy to get, but[…]
Critical Reflection #1
Assignment: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is asking for the story of[…]
Josh Sapira – Critical Reflection #1
I believe what makes my project so unique is that there is always more to explore. Every answer to a question leads to ten more questions. I have already spent[…]
I already know that there is a large mental health crisis going on in America that not nearly enough people are focusing on. This topic is important to me because[…]
Jack H – Critical Reflection #1
Assignment: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is asking for the story of[…]
Gwen Raffo – Critical Reflection #1
For a few years now, I knew that I wanted to build my Senior Project around Girl Scouts. The organization and program has been the most influential part of my[…]
Stella Propp- Critical Reflection #1
This assignment is asking for the story of your personal search for information, as well as what you are learning about the topic in terms of what do you know[…]
Stella Propp- Final Project Proposal
Aiding the Equestrian Community with Entrepreneurship Essential Question(s): How can I use my newfound business knowledge, even in the time of COVID-19, to make a lasting and memorable impact in[…]
Josh Sapira – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: A Dive Into Sports Analytics Essential Question: How can mathematical modeling and statistical analysis serve as a framework for better understanding the world around us? Statement of Purpose:[…]
Project Plan- Jack A
Project Title: Psychology and Me Essential Question(s): How can we help those who are suffering from a psychological crisis? Statement of Purpose I hope that my[…]
Alexa Moskowitz – Final Project Proposal
Final Project Proposal: We will compare old photos of New York City and State historical sites with ones that we take. We will do research on the context and preservation[…]
Alexa Moskowitz – Learning/Work/Documentation Plan
Learning Goals Our key learning goals for this project are: Learn about the fundamentals of preservation through research and connections Discover more about the current state of New York through[…]
Alexa Moskowitz – Action Plan
Connections Within the next few weeks, we will talk to our contact at the Dutchess Land Conservancy about preservation. Ellen Henneberry is the Director of Development at the Dutchess Land Conservancy,[…]
Sofia Giglio – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Sustainable Fashion Essential Question(s): How can I help create a more sustainable fashion industry? How can I help create less waste and more ethical work conditions? Statement of[…]
Jack Schnall Documentation Plan
Documentation is a big part of my project. With so many components it will be important to reflect on everything. I plan on doing shorter reflections on a blog after[…]
Jack Schnall Learning Goals & Work Plan
Goal 1: Effectively tell a story through photography Goal 2: Make my reflections as clear as possible so readers can understand complex concepts that I learn about. Goal 3: Create[…]
Jack Schnall Action Items
Expanding on the photography component: One piece of my project is photographing extreme sports. I wanted to be as clear as possible as to how I would do this so[…]
Jack Hillyer – Final Project Proposal Post
Proposal Pitch Essential Question: What is the process of creating a song from start to finish? How can I distribute a song to online stores and how does it compare[…]
Jack Hillyer – Learning Goals, General Work Plan, & Documentation Plan Post
In the blog post, list the key learning goals for your project and how the project will provide a pathway for you to make progress towards these goals. You should[…]
Jack Hillyer – Action Plan
Action Item Area: Materials (All materials needed are already accessible to me via FileWave, Creative Cloud, and I also have access to my dad’s recording equipment which I can use[…]
Gwen Raffo – Final Project Proposal
FINAL PROPOSAL Name: Gwen Raffo You have already written versions of your responses to many of these questions in previous assignments for Senior Project; you may reuse prior writing[…]
Senior Project I-search
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Final Project Proposal Post
Title: Understanding Agricultural Research, Development, and Application Purpose Statement Ever since I was little, my family would visit my uncle’s family’s farm in New Jersey to pick pumpkins around[…]
The Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan Post
includes clear and achievable learning goals, a reasonably detailed outline of how you will spend your time during the project, and a documentation plan that will help you to capture the[…]
Action Items Post
After meeting with the senior project committee and presenting my presentation, no questions were asked and no changes were made.
Final Project Proposal – Nina Gerzema
Project Title: StoryTime Amongst Generations Essential Question(s): How can what older generations connected to the LREI community have experienced help younger generations navigate such trying times full of teen angst and[…]
Nina Gerzema – Action Items/Documentation Plans
Action Plan Essential Qs: How can what older generations connected to the LREI community have experienced help younger generations navigate such trying times full of teen angst and the process[…]
Josh Sapira – Proposal Pitch
1. Project Name Right now, because so much of my project is still up in the air, the project does not have a name yet. 2. Essential Question How can[…]
Jack Schnall Proposal Pitch
Extreme Sports and Sports Psychology Why I want to do it: Without a doubt, my passion is doing extreme sports. I love the adrenaline rush, the burst of energy,[…]
Gwen Raffo – Learning/Work/Documentation
Learning/Work/Documentation Learning Goals Develop a better understanding of how to educate and keep older students engaged in learning. Develop a better understanding of how to make activities that balance[…]
Jack Hillyer – Proposal Pitch
Essential Question: What is the process of creating a song from start to finish? How can I distribute a song to online stores and how does it compare to my[…]
Gwen Raffo – Action Items
Action Item Area: Reach out to Girl Scouts about copyrighted material Timeline/Materials/Space/Connections/Budget/Research/Other: Hopefully shouldn’t take too long, but it really depends on how fast the responses are. I have to[…]
Nina – Proposal Pitch
How can we, as an emerging generation about to become adults, learn from what older generations have had experience with? How can we translate their experiences and pieces of advice[…]
Stella Propp – Project Proposal and Presentation
Aiding the Equestrian Community with Entrepreneurship Senior Project Proposal and Presentation by Stella Propp I have been an avid equestrian for twelve years now. I have dedicated the majority of[…]
Gwen Raffo – Project Proposal
Creating Meaningful Programming for Girls Senior Project Proposal by Gwen Raffo When I was on my way to my first Girl Scout meeting, I felt nothing but excitement. I couldn’t[…]