Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. As I’ve learned about the[…]
Category: Frank
CR #4 -Yannik F.
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to[…]
CR #2 – Yannik F.
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” At the start[…]
CR #1 – Yannik F.
Assignment: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” This assignment is asking for the story of[…]
Solomon Karpati Critical Reflection #6
During the past six weeks I have learned a lot that I didn’t think I would know by the end of this process. For one my process became less about[…]
Critical Reflection #6
Take a look back at your essential question. Did you answer it? Do you think that question was a good frame for your Senior Project? If not, how would you[…]
Critical reflection #6- Ana Ziebarth
Take a look back at your essential question. Did you answer it? Do you think that question was a good frame for your Senior Project? If not, how would you[…]
Critical Reflection #6: Olivia Cueto
Final Reflection: This is a double-length reflection Please see the attached document: Senior Project 2021 Final Critical Reflection Prompts. This reflection is an in-depth look back at the past 6[…]
Solomon Karpati Critical Reflection: #5
Metacognition: I have found that while painting it’s really difficult for me to stick with what I originally wanted to change or concey. I also find that I tend to[…]
Critical Reflection #5
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? I noticed that when it came to studying the music, I worked a lot faster with the less lyrical music on[…]
Critical Reflection #5: Olivia Cueto
Metacognition: What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. For me, senior project has been[…]
Critical reflection #5- Ana Ziebarth
What have you discovered about your process, your habits? Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question. I’ve discovered that I work best[…]
Critical Reflection #4: Olivia Cueto
This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do[…]
Victor Schwartz CR 4
I am fully exploring my essential question, but maybe not completely as planned. At first I thought the best way to go about it was by interviewing adults that are[…]
Victor Schwartz: CR 2
Since senior project has began, I’ve been noticing what keeps people committed to everything, and especially to their sports or hobbies. While playing for the school baseball team, one of[…]
Solomon Karpati: Critical Reflection #4
My first reference is: Manet, and the American Civil War. The book details the many paintings of Manet, during the Civil War era. Looking at this book has allowed me[…]
Critical Reflection #4
Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these ideas resonate with or challenge[…]
Critical Reflection #4- Ana Ziebarth
Connect to outside sources (article/book/podcast/ted talk/blog/website/etc) This is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential[…]
Critical Reflection #3: Olivia Cueto
Now that you’re three weeks (half way) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what[…]
Solomon Karpati: Critical Reflection #3
How can I present landscape painting as a form of preservation of nature, and how can I use a collection of paintings to spread a message about climate change, and[…]
Critical Reflection #3
Now that you’re three weeks (halfway) into your senior project experience, are you answering your essential question? How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you[…]
Critical Reflection #3
How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from[…]
Documentation Week#2- Ana Ziebarth
Week #2 4/21/21 So far this week I’ve been doing research on profiling methods and a lot of background work on serial murders to prepare to start studying one of[…]
Critical Reflection 2
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare it[…]
Solomon Karpati: Critical Reflection #2
One moment that relates to my essential question would be my time working on the final project of the Existentialism literature class. I was tasked with explaining why I was[…]
Documentation week #1- Part 1
For week #1, my plan is to study different concepts, profiling methods, types of offenders, and more. I also have planned to interview the chief of the USM Behavioral Analysis[…]
Critical Reflection #2- Ana Ziebarth
One experience I had that connects to my essential question was when I first learned about the Michelle O’Keefe case. In this case, Michelle O’Keefe, an 18-year-old college student, was[…]
Critical Reflection #2: Olivia Cueto
Describe a moment and analyze: “Write about a single experience or moment, and ask: how does this moment, experience, or encounter relate to my essential question?” You can also compare[…]
Documentation: week #1 part 2
For week #1, I primarily studied different aspects of psychological profiling, like its usages, profiling methods, different types of offenders, and more. I did this through reading the book, “Wrightman’s[…]
Critical Reflection 1 Victor Schwartz
What do I know? I know that LREI Athletics while providing a comfortable environment to try out sports and have a good time, are not as serious as they could[…]
Critical Reflection #1: Olivia Cueto
Critical Reflection #1: As Confucius said “True wisdom is knowing what you don’t know” and Socrates said, “Wisdom is knowing what you don’t know.” What do you know? Explain what[…]
Marcus Moise Critical Reflection 1
What do you know? Explain what you already know about your essential question. Explain why the topic is important to you, and what is motivating your inquiry. I already know[…]
Solomon Karpati Critical Reflection #1
What elements of painting can I use to convey, or enhance the messages in my paintings? What do you know? I have done lots of work with painting I have[…]
Critical Reflection #1
1. What do you know? I am still investigating what makes a successful profile (certain methods/approaches etc.) but what I know so far is that the accuracy of the profile[…]
Solomon Final Project Proposal
Contemporary Landscape Painting Essential Question What elements of painting can I use to convey, or enhance the messages in my paintings? Statement of Purpose For my Senior Project, I will[…]
Yannik Finkelstein – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Landscape Photography Essential Question: What technical elements of photography can help enhance the messages behind a photo? Statement of Purpose: For my senior project my plan[…]
Marcus Moise- Final Project Proposal
Project Title: The Essence of Rap Essential Question(s): What are the common instruments/aspects of music that place punk rap, emo rap, mumble rap, lyrical rap, melodic rap, etc all in[…]
Learning Goals/ Work Plan/ Documentation Plan
Learning Goals My learning goals include understanding what specific qualities in an article of music place it into the rap music category. I will do this through studying lyrics, melody,[…]
Ana Ziebarth-Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Psychological Profiling Essential Question(s): What makes a successful profile? What makes a successful application of a profile? What are the dangers of an unsuccessful profile and application of[…]
Solomon – Learning/Work/Documentation Plans
Goals to Work Towards: 1- A fluent understanding of the composition of a painting: This will simply come with time. Although I already have an idea on how this operates,[…]
Solomon – Action Items
Action Item Area: Painting Materials (Brushes, paint, canvases) Reason for Item: My project is based around painting so it’s essential that I have these items. Notes: I already possess all[…]
Ana Ziebarth- Action Plan
This is a list of things that address the feedback that I’ve gotten and the things that I need moving forward. Action Item Area: Connection Reason for Item: To conduct[…]
Ana Ziebarth: Learning Goals & General Work Plan
My goals for my senior project are: To study various pathologies and paths that lead criminals to commit spree and serial killings (the why and how criminals commit these crimes).[…]
Olivia Cueto – Final Project Proposal
Action item- Space: At home Reason: Due to the fact that my project is a research-based experience, the majority of my work can be done at a home/any location that[…]
Olivia Cueto: Learning/Work/Documentation Plans
Main goals: To become more informed on the strategic thinking that goes into developing plans ( specifically during times of war) I hope to gain a foundational understanding of how[…]
Olivia Cueto – Action Plan
Action item- Space: At home Reason: Due to the fact that my project is a research-based experience, the majority of my work can be done at a home/any location that[…]
Clare Cunningham – Proposal Pitch
Your project name Clare’s Hilarious Stand-up Routine Your essential question(s) and why it/they are important to you? How do you put together a successful standup routine? From my teachers, to[…]
Marcus Moise- Initial Plan
The essential question I plan to explore: What are the common tools/aspects of music that place punk rap, emo rap, mumble rap, lyrical rap, and melodic rap all in the[…]
Solomon Karpati Pitch Proposal
Preservation Through Painting Prior to creating my one essential question, these questions came up: How does different messaging affect people’s opinions on nature preservation? How does painting affect this message?[…]
Victor Schwartz Initial Plan
The essential question I plan to answer is: How can we increase the excitement and energy focused on sports at a non athletically focused high school? For as long[…]
Yannik Finkelstein – Initial Plan
The essential question I plan to explore: In a time where our environment is at stake, can exposing the beauty of nature through the power of images bring forth change? […]
Working Draft Blog Post
Essential questions How is the voice another instrument for a beat? How are adlibs and background vocals essential to the final sound of a song? What makes a rapper a[…]
Ana Ziebarth- Initial Plan
I am interested in pursuing psychological profiling, a combination of psychology and law and criminal justice, for my senior project. First, I will refresh my understanding of what I already know[…]
Olivia Cueto- Project Proposal
My essential question: What common thread runs through the United States defense strategies and policies? Sub-questions- What actually are these strategies? How many are there? Are there pros and cons to[…]
Ana Ziebarth- Working Blog Post #1
The topic that I want to pursue is law and criminal justice through the lens of psychology. Last summer, I took a class at Johns Hopkins about psychological profiling. I[…]
Marcus-my purpose statement
Purpose Match37 Purpose Report (1)
5-Minute Purpose Pitch
Your Reason Your Story: Choose a “critical incident” that set you on your path and helped you uncover how you want to make an impact (your contribution) through your senior[…]
Yannik Finkelstein – My Purpose Statement
My purpose statement discusses bringing light to certain ideas, concepts, or challenges to improve the greater well being of others in the future. I believe this will help inform what[…]
Victor Schwartz- 5 minute Purpose Pitch
Your Reason: I really enjoy sports, and I want to go to college for business, I also have always found the way that money is involved in sports complex and[…]
Clare-5 Minute Purpose Pitch
I remember the when I was 7, I was onstage performing and singing with Carly Simon You’re So Vain, and I remember being on stage and feeling invincible, and loved[…]
clare-my purpose statement
I want to help people feel loved. Helping people feel loved about themselves aligns with my top strengths and impact areas, connection and community. I would possibly like to work[…]
Solomon—5-minute purpose pitch
Your Reason Nature often goes unepreciated, and at the end of the day humans can’t live on this planet without taking care of the rest of the ecosystem. Your Story:[…]
Clare-Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
I have a few different options. The theme in all of these is helping people feel good about themself and helping people feel loved. One idea would be working in[…]
Ana Ziebarth- 5 Minute Purpose Pitch
My Reason: I want to use this time gifted by the school to pursue one of my passions. This is a great opportunity to do something hands-on, hopefully, in the[…]
Ana Ziebarth- My Purpose Statement
When conducting my senior project, I will use my strengths to make the best out of things and make an impact. I think my strengths will be useful because I[…]
Olivia Cueto – 5-minute purpose pitch
The summer before my junior year of high school, I was an intern at one of my favorite clean, makeup brands. It was my first internship and I was so[…]
Olivia Cueto – my purpose statement
The Purpose Match activity worked very well in helping me understand my values better as well as the things which are most important to me. It also made me realize[…]
Olivia Cueto – Project Prototypes
By filling out the sections in the Odyssey Planning Guide, I recognized that there is not one particular project or theme in which I am set on persuing for my[…]
Yannik Finkelstein- project prototypes
Current Thoughts: Currently I am not too sure what I want to do for senior project. I feel like I have lots of interest that I need to filter through[…]
Marcus-project prototypes
Right now my thoughts about Senior Project are sort of abstract. With this ability to focus on something I care about, I feel like I’m thinking a little too large[…]
Ana Ziebarth-Project Prototypes and Initial Thoughts
For my senior project, I want to do something hands-on and actively work with other people; like an internship or volunteer opportunity. I have two interests in mind for the[…]