So far I have something that has been hard for me so balancing answering my essential question through my own experiences as well as through general research. Each week when[…]
Author: Olivia Barrera
Olivia barrera- critical reflection 4
his is a Text investigation. Consider your essential question in the context of at least two outside sources you have identified that connect to your essential question. How do these ideas resonate[…]
Olivia B-Final Project
For my senior project, I plan on deepening my knowledge and understanding of film by watching a collection of movies and then writing about them in a reflective/personal essay each[…]
Olivia Barrera-Learning Goals & General Work Plan/Documentation Plan
Learning Goals- I want to develop my voice as a writer and as someone who is “critiquing” films. Hopefully, through the weekly essays, I will naturally find a voice/writing[…]
Olivia Barrera- Action Items Post
Action Item Area- Connections/Research Reason For Item- A major part of my project is discussing different people’s views on the films I will be watching in order to answer my[…]
Proposal pitch-Olivia Barrera
Watching a curated collection of movies each week and Writing Responsive Essays I have always had a passion for film and movies, an interest that has flourished throughout my high[…]
Olivia Barrera-Blog Post #1
The first idea that I came up with was, I would read all the Twilight books (not including her most recent book), as well as watch the movies, and[…]
Olivia B- My Purpose Statement
Reflecting in this exercise, I think its helpful to see that recreation and wanting people to enjoy themselves can be an area of impact, I’m bot sure how organization and[…]