I met with Assyrian chef Benita Kasbo who owns the middle eastern cheese company Kasbo’s Market.
Author: 21malias
Week 5 update 2
I went to Kalustyan’s as well as Indian groceries around India town (20s on the east side). I went there to get ingredients for Coconut Ladoo. Using dried shredded coconut,[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #6
What did you expect to learn and how does that compare to what you did learn? I expected to learn about specific steadfast rules that made something authentic. While doing[…]
week 5 update 1
Forgot to post earlier, But I met with Nancy Hsu, we talked about what it was like growing up Chinese American in NYC + meaningful Chinese dishes from her childhood.
Week 4 update 2
Forgot to post this earlier. This is called zhīma qiú in Mandarin: 芝麻球. And Jin Dui in Cantonese. It’s made out of glutinous rice flour, azuke bean paste, and sesame[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #5
Right now I am realizing that the interview process has taught me the most so far. Doing the research before I do interviews to get a better understanding of my[…]
week 2 update 2
I forgot to add this earlier, but during the second week of my project I made Chinesew fried rice. I did some research on the recipe and tried to find[…]
Malia Sardinha – Week 4 update 1
I got the incredible oppurtunity to speak with chef (and much more) Suvir Saran where we discussed cultrual appropriation in the food industry. I also talked to a family member[…]
Malia Sardinha – Week 3 Update 1
I interviewed with caterer Romi Howard, where we discussed cooking what it meaningful to you. I also found some family cookbooks and looked through them.
Malia – Weekly 3 update 2
I got the chance to interview with David Hay and Legan Wong. David Hay is the son of a chef who worked in a lot of Chinese restaurants in NYC.[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection # 4
One source that was particularly meaningul for me was an article called Reclaiming Indian Food from the White Gaze that was particularly insightful to me. The article discussed what is[…]
Malia – Week 2 update 1
On Wednesday night I made the classic Indian dish called Aloo Matar which consists of potatoes, various spices and peas. I had only ever had it in a restaurant before[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #3
Essential Question:What are the criteria that makes food authentic? I am exploring my essential question through research and interviewing. The answers I’ve gotten so far has been in the realm[…]
Malia Sardinha – Critical Reflection #2
Updated Essential Question: What are the criteria that makes food authentic? While doing my senior project I’ve been watching many videos about traditional Chinese and Indian street food. I noticed[…]
Malia – Critical Reflection #1
Updated Essential Question: What are the criteria that makes food authentic? I’ve watched two videos on Chinese homestyle cooking and Indian homestyle cooking by Milk Street. Since I’m answering my[…]
Malia – Final Project Proposal
Project Title: Exploring the meaning of Authenticity in Food. Essential Question(s): How does cuisine evolve and change in America from its country of origin? Does authentic food mean authentic and[…]
Malia Sardinha i-Search
Most of my project is research based. Before I cook and sample I am going to have to do a lot of research. I plan to read books, read articles,[…]
Malia Sardinha -The Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan Post
Learning Goals: -Learn about how/why the people in the food buisness value authenticity -Learn how important is authenticity to consumers -Study different aspects of authenticity -Come up with my own[…]
Malia Sardinha – Action Item post
Confirming people who will be willing to speak with me is what I need to work on the most right now. I have a few connections that I’ve gotten through[…]
Malia Sardinha_Revised Working Draft
My main questions right now are how does cuisine evolve and change in America from its country of origin, does authentic food mean authentic and traditional recipes or ingredients? I[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #3
I originally imagined my project more like an internship where I could possibly “shadow” a chef in a restaurant. I wanted to see how they curate their menu and try[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #2
These questions matter to me because I am very interested in learning more about cuisine. I am interested in finding some kind of answer to these questions throughout my project.[…]
Malia_Working Draft Blog Post #1
My main questions right now are how does cuisine evolve and change in America from its country of origin, does authentic food mean authentic and traditional recipes or ingredients? I[…]
Malia 5 minute purpose pitch
Reason: I realized that I would like to do a project with something that I am deeply interested in and read/watch media about often which is food. A show that[…]
Malia-My Purpose statement
This report can help inform my senior project because I now know that I do best in connection and charisma which is really about who I am in relation to[…]
Malia-project prototypes and initial thoughts
I am currently very unsure about all my ideas but I feel strongly for the one about restaurants/food blogs/food reviewers and how xenophobia, racism, and other things impact all parts[…]