Documentation Week 6 #1

After this morning’s meeting with Arian Ghousi, I realized I hadn’t done much thinking about how the clock can fit into my design, and instead I’ve been sort of treating[…]

Documentation Week 3 #2

In order for me to make the lot environmentally sustainable, I need to plan for it to be resilient against flooding and rising sea levels. I’ve discovered that the neighborhood[…]

Documentation Week 3 #1

Components to incorporate or consider to be part of my design: movable furniture green collaborative elements: compost bins, community gardening planter boxes dog park public restrooms open space for public[…]

Kate Startsev CR #3

How do cities balance people’s needs, environmental sustainability, and corporate interests? What part do various stakeholders play when designing public spaces? How can we design around people’s habits and behaviors?[…]

Process Documentation Week 2 #1

Reading “How to Study Public Life” and researching ethnography. I’ve been prepping for interviews as well. Here are some of my interview questions, separated by general and more specific:  […]

Kate Startsev – Critical Reflection 1

Essential Questions:  How do cities balance people’s needs, environmental sustainability, and corporate interests? How are project proposals created and submitted? How can we design around people’s habits and behaviors?  […]