Critical Reflection 5 – Max A.

  • What have you discovered about your process, your habits?

During the process, I realized that I have a very hard time steering the project in the way that I want it to go, leading to an outcome that I didn’t want for the project. My project seemed to be more focused on the story, but had a lack of recipes. I was not clear enough with my interviewees that I wanted recipes, not just philosophical conversations. Due to my brain working at a billion miles per hour, a project of this scale was hard for me to plan on my own, though that’s not anything new.



  • Now, what do you know you don’t know? Circle back to your essential question.

How can I know what I don’t know. If I did this project in the future, I would focus more on actually cooking dishes, because what’s the point of a recipe if you don’t cook it.

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