Sarah Katz CR 3

  1. How are you exploring your essential question; is it different from what you expected? If you don’t feel like you’re answering your essential question, what is happening that’s different from what you expected? 
  2. Are you surprised by any of the challenges that you’ve faced so far? How have you met those challenges and what can you do going forward to deal with them?
  3. Writing on your essential question: What have you learned about your essential question so far? What further questions do you have? and/or Has your essential question changed? If so, how?  What do you want to know more about?

For my first question “What are the best ways to impact and improve sports performance?” I think a majority of my project has been focused on finding the best ways to do so and testing myself on how much they work each week with a soccer game every Sunday. My second question, How can a change in my eating and living habits affect my daily life? At the beginning of my project, I wasn’t getting around to answering this question, but as the weeks went on, I have started to more and more try to address this question to help answer my first. Some challenges I have faced include just not wanting to exercise that day and not being up to doing it. Even though I don’t want to, I push myself to do the workout no matter how much I actually end up doing that day. Although I know you cannot really escape these days, to try to combat them I have listened to a motivation podcast to try to get my energy up and motivate myself. In general, I don’t think that my essential questions have changed. I am still trying to figure good ways to improve my sports performance in any type of way.


One thought on “Sarah Katz CR 3

  1. Sarah, can you list some of the metrics you’re using to see how your strength, explosiveness, stamina, etc. are improving? What are you looking to measure? How did you decide on these particular tests?

    I can definitely understand the mental (and physical) fatigue that occurs with an experiment like this. Aidhan has used some mental podcasts that help with visualization and meditation. He also does some yoga, which likely helps prevent injuries. Check in with him (feel free to Cc me!).

    What type of diet are you trying? What research have you done for this? Are you collecting sample recipes that you could add to a blog?


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