Finding thirty art museums in New York City was tough especially this year. I spent hours doing research about all the different types of galleries in the city and how I am choosing to define a museum through this project. The first thing that I noticed was that every museum has a niche of some kind, a specialty. Most museums are focused on art movements or based on theories about curation and collection and about ten museums in New York are dedicated to the art from one specific ethnicity or race. Most of these museums I had never heard of before: Studio museum, Museum of the Chinese in America, Ukrainian Institute of America, Museum of Contemporary African Diasporan Arts, The Africa Center, Tibet House, Gallery Korea. Finding out that there were museum spaces led by members of those communities was exciting because it allows for visitors to understand contemporary art outside of the ethnocentrism in museum spaces across the city. After creating a list of all of the museums that I wanted to see I had nearly 45 but I had yet to check how many were closed because of the pandemic. After sorting through around fifty museums to find a good list, I realized that the majority of the museums that I had to cross off my list due to closure were the same museums that focus on diaspora and the culture behind art. These museums have been struggling to stay open in a difficult economic time so it is essential to planning and research to seek out diverse perspectives.