Senior Project is almost officially starting and I know to successfully complete my project, I need to learn how to mix by taking a ProTools mixing course. To reach my goal of a 4 song EP, I know I need to write lyrics and record on ProTools, but mainly, I need to learn tips and tricks on how to mix and why a certain vocal needs another song. This topic is important to me because for my whole life, I’ve grown up seeing my parents as not only parents, but musicians too. More specifically, I have chances In the past to witness my dad in his studio working on building a song from the ground up, mixing and producing it. My interest in music started around 1 year ago with my two close friends Marlowe Glass and Reggi Condos and ever since that, I have consistently been making music. I am brining a wide range of knowledge that I already have in this genre, partly which I have from my parents, and partly from Reggi who has been interesting in music for a couple years now. So far, Reggi Condos has informed me that mixing can be hard and that it is all about personal taste and what sounds good to you. I have a good sense now that even after learning about mixing and production techniques, I still need to pick on my own different sounds to make my songs how I want them to sound.
I need to learn more about music specifically regarding production. I need to learn about music mixing techniques more to complete this project. The writing lyrics and recording part can be hard and can take time, but I definitely feel more comfortable with that aspect of the project. What will be more difficult will be the mixing side. Making sure my vocals are all on beat 1 – bar 1, to make sure the sounds I am using fit my voice well. Making sure I find the bmp to the instrumental. These are all important to a successful project.