Pearl Mcaninch – Learning/Work/Documentation Plans

Project Goals: 

  • Learning how to write the music and lyrics for a song.
  • Learning some music theory along with music composition so I can better write songs.
  • Listening and learning from other artists/bands and being able to create music from that inspiration 
  • Producing and editing a final song.


(throughout every week I will be writing multiple blog posts documenting my progress)

Week 1: 

  • Start my days with a free write 
  • Take guitar/uke lesson 1-2 times
  • Take a music comp or theory class 1-2 times
  • Listen to group of artists from that week
  • Begin forming a song or pieces of songs
  • Finalize artists/musicians that I can talk with about there song writing process

Week 2:

  • Second week of the same kinds of classes 
  • Following up on guitar lessons
  • Cover songs on guitar and listen to next genre
  • Begin to finalize a first song 
  • Possibly meet with a musician

Week 3:

  • Continue with the lyric generation/song production and free writes
  • Continue with class and guitar lessons
  • Start the beginning of your second final song
  • Play with editing and practice putting a song together for the final song
  • Continue to listen to genre of the week and other artists in the genre

Week 4:

  • Same lessons for that week and if I find another I can take that
  • Guitar lessons and writing chord progressions continues
  • More free writes throughout the week 
  • Begin finalizing second song (could go into the next week)
  • Maybe meet with another musician for inspo

Week 5:

  • Think about the song you will be producing and recording
  • More lyric/music generation
  • Taking guitar/music theory and comp classes
  • Listening to genre of the week and new artists
  • Find medium the final song will be edited on 

Week 6:

  • Getting final song recorded in the studio
  • Edit/produce song
  • Taking final classes 
  • Maybe another cover of a song from the genre/artists of the week
  • A final blog post describing my process has changed from beginning to end


Documentation Plan:

I plan on creating a blog to document my process and experience throughout the weeks of the project. This blog would include mixed media such as images, recording, videos and writings so I can cover all aspects of my project. I will be reflecting weekly and will have a lot of content to provide from the classes I am taking and around how my music writing process is progressing.

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