Luc Dunlop – Learning Goals & General Work Plan and Documentation Plan Post


Gain and share the insight of youth on the topic of basketball

develop podcasting and editing skills

share my love for the game of basketball


Week 1: develop questions and interview prep

Week 2: Interview James Samuels and create 6 different podcasts each on a different question. Filter each question asked to him into a different podcast. I will also be completing research on the NBA and making a section in each podcast talking about recent events in the NBA. For the first podcast I will give a summary of March Madness.

week 3: do the same with Arjay Perovic take the different questions asked (the same ones asked to James) and put them in the podcast that talks about that question, then edit.

Week 4: do the same with Henry Boone

Week 5: do the same with Daniel Laffitte

Week 6: do the same with Joshua Ball

Week 7: edit and review work

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