Ana Ziebarth- Action Plan

This is a list of things that address the feedback that I’ve gotten and the things that I need moving forward.

  • Action Item Area: Connection 
  • Reason for Item: To conduct interview/learn 
  • Notes:
    • For my project, I hope to talk to psychological profilers either retired or still active about their experiences in the field.
    • I also hope to meet with other people in the legal field.
  • Resolution:   
    • I’ll start off by finding contacts for psychological profilers; starting with researching retired ones and reaching out to the local field office. From there I can start to make further connections by asking them if they have any other connections or know anyone else who would be available to meet.
    • I’ve received a connection to the DA through the school.
    • My mother has a connection to a police officer that I can talk to. I will ask for that contact and talk to them.


  • Action Item Area: Materials
  • Reason for Item: To relearn psychological profiling concepts and psychology
  • Notes:
    • A part of my project is to relearn psychological profiling concepts and further dive into the subject. I also want to study psychology.
  • Resolution:
    • I’ve found some free courses that teach psychology that I can follow along with.
    • I’ve received a syllabus for a psychology class at Wesleyan that I can follow.
    • I’ve also found websites, articles, podcasts, and videos to watch on psychological profiling and psychology.


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