The essential question I plan to answer is: How can we increase the excitement and energy focused on sports at a non athletically focused high school?
For as long as I can remember I’ve been a very large sports fan. I’ve played and watched sports religiously since I was probably like 3 or 4. I played all the LREI sports since middle school. Throughout all my time we have never had a super intense culture around the sports, which truthfully is something I appreciate, but the schools with large sport programs look really cool and fun and seem to create a whole new environment that boost school spirit. At firs for senior project I wanted to create my own spreadsheet that focused on how money is spent in professional sports, but I realized I could do something similar to focus on how we can better our athletic department.
To answer this question I would need to do deep research into the athletic departments at schools where sports are valued very highly. I would need to find similarities between those schools and then find ways to put their techniques into our school. I also want to look at the facilities and the interesting tools that schools offer to their athletes for training. With all this being said it would require me to keep in mind our budget and location. We obviously can’t do nearly as many things as schools in suburban areas or with boosters for sports, but there is room for improvement at LREI and even a few changes could yield a lot of results.
Vic, I love this idea. It’s interesting and exciting and could help lift up our sports program. I know that there are many friendly athletic directors who would be happy to talk to you and tour you around facilities – let me know if you want some help with that. I definitely won’t miss this pitch!